Black Claw and the Past (Edmund Part 2)
Black claw reluctantly laid down, reluctant only because it mean she had to withdraw his clawed hands from his lush mane.
Hallux: A Short Story from Claw City
The fox was told as a child that these gargantuan digits ended in equally gigantic claws; no one had been far up enough to take photographs in generations, so everyone took the notion on faith. on lazy days off, mr.
Learning to Fight, Part 2, The Black-Claws
Dire-fang shifted to fight beside his brother high-alpha, and between their claws and fangs more than two dozen black-claws found death that day.
The Dragons of the Mountain, Chapter 1: Fangs and Claws
Hazarkan knelt to a stretch of muddy terrain, where many footprints of big clawed paws were evident: dragon paws.
Fang, Hoof, Antler, Claw: Petrocolus's Opportunity
Petrocolus' Opportunity Kits knocked on the door to the modest adobe house. Considering the way Petro carried on, Kits had assumed the residence would be palatial. Then again, maybe it was: bulls didn't live in packs and frankly Kits was still...
Fang, Hoof, Antler, Claw: Petroclus' Hunt
Dissent did have its advantages, thought Petro as he drained another beer and scanned across the room for likely guys or gals to take home tonight. The team had split twice since after practice, first between the group that had wanted to go to the...
Fang, Hoof, Antler, Claw: Steven's Crusade
Steve nursed his beer as Solutre finished a long, meandering tale of his brother's hilarious sexual exploits. It would have been funnier if he had been in a better mood, but he was watching Kits across the campus bar. He wasn't sure how the wolf had...
Fang, Hoof, Antler, Claw: Samiel's Encounter
Samiel shivered as he felt the powerful, clawed hands encircle his chest, the whole of that predatory bulk moving in closer as it scrubbed the grimy piss-stink from his chest.
Tale of Two Claws: a Pokemon one-shot
It was so un-claw like of him, but it seemed that the usual claw mentality was missing from everyone in the village.
Fang, Hoof, Antler, Claw: Steven's Reward
_Steven's breath steamed in the cold air of the midwinter evening. The entire sky was a roiling mass of ruddy dying sun and steel-grey storm clouds, promising snow later in the evening. He walked down the rutted path cut through the hoarfrost on either...
Rising Anew Chapter 15 The Claw Healed.txt
Bare your claws!!!!" carnisian cried as the glade errupted in the same battle cry.
Curse Claws Ch.2 Setting the Stage.
He was actually starting to get angry at the fox, his claws extending slightly by reflex. when kai laid a paw on his shoulder though, he got himself under a bit more control and retracted them.