To Catch a Rabbit - Chapter 3 - The First Victim
Timmy began to bob his head up and down his shaft, his tongue darting around wildly, timed together with the continued onslaught of his hole.
OR: Apacians
Fortunately, the heat is more likely to kill you than they will since most of these marauder carry your typical pneumatic dart rifle which is often loaded with anesthesia laced darts.
The dart hit the fragile bottle, shattering the crystal as the dart flew past into the stone wall, to be retrieved later by demidevimon, who sulk back into the shadows.
Through his tears the gunslinger stomped and dodged the snakes and darted out into the hallway, the bandit's laughter chasing him.
Shark Attack!
Letting out a deep sigh, he darted towards the water with his white surfboard under his arm. enro dove into the water, pressing the board against the bare fur of his chest. he swam far into the ocean, taking long strong strokes.
Saving the ponies chapter 4: Party in the cake shop
"i challenged him to a game of darts and we tied. he was like, a professional or something; he didn't miss once!" she said. "well, the distance for humans when they play darts is a little longer." twilight said.
On the Grape-Vine
Only.. a couple of small darts, like the one he held. as he went to step back, the mog gasped, as he found his rump-cheek, formerly smarting from the dart, feeling fine., not fine. it was.. asleep. numb. and it made him topple over with a yelp.
Chapter One - The Mistake
Henry took a glance to his side, watching cobalt's eyes darting this way and that, his lips breathlessly forming the beginnings of words that never left his mouth.
Destiny Intertwined, The sea of fate
Moments later, they fell forward and writhed on the ground with the pain, dozens of darts sticking into them. even more darts were flying forward, soaring towards the bright line on the ground her spell had created.
Short scene 1
My eyes dart side to side like the tip of my tail, agitated by the wind forcing against me, scanning the street, and by extension, every alley, nook, or cranny. my vision darts down alleys, scales buildings short and tall all the same.
Prologue: Battle for Lasri
She froze where she stood before darting her eyes around before gazing to the inferno that was building a few blocks down. her eyes followed the licking flames that ate at the buildings side turning the wood into charcoal.
Wylde Fyre - Chapter One
Behind and below him, darts' rf-111 took up a trailing, low-level position. all the pilots and wso's had had enough of being hunted - it was time to hunt. the raptors had their game planned as much as the strikers and dart, though.