_ aren barely took notice of his surroundings as he made his way home from his highschool. or rather his old highschool. he probably wouldn't be coming back.
Dragon love chapter 2
I searched through my e-mails and there was nothing about the highschool he was supposed to attend. "\*sigh\* i guess that i might be getting it tomorrow.", i told myself. i reached to the side of the computer and pulled out a letter.
Kevin's Highschool days: Chapter 6 Movie Night
#6 of kevin's highschool days: chapter 1 the start of school i know i mentioned ch 6 was gonna be who's gonna save my soul and ch 7 would be clumsy in love, but i got this movie idea so those 2 chapters i'm gonna hold off till later.
Chapter 2, getting to know the neighbors
The waiter he spotted with their meals came by and they ate, speaking now and then on what they had done, and elena and bob told them about how they had met themselves in highschool, though not highschool sweethearts, they had dated briefly, then got together
I. Double Date
Diane was only two years younger then sharja, but she was still in highschool and acting quite young for her age.
Don't Bench Alone: Herm on Male, Domination
Plus that's what highschool wimps lifted. he wasn't a highschooler anymore, and he certainly wasn't planning on staying a wimp. "i was being generous," she rested against the bar, "really it's hard to tell with your clothes.
A Movie Script Ending
#6 of highschool sucked part 6: a movie script ending the end of may was fast approaching and our time as highschool students was drawing to a close.
Chapter 7: A Meeting, New Arrivals, and New Secrets Revealed.
You don't have to worry about people trying to knock you out and drag you to a lab, you don't have to worry about highschool, all you have to worry about is reminding me to pay attention to you."
My epic story begins and ends with my senior year of highschool. for the sake of foreshadowing, we rewind just a week prior to the first day of the new school year, senior schedule pick-up day.
Confusion - Chapter 3
I am vincent bearidino, and i am 15 and used to attend clarksville highschool. i love bacon, oh my gosh don't even get me started on bacon! umm i also love gaming." he seemed alright.
A Pitbull Love Story (Part 1)
On the first day of high school i wasn't really intimidated or thinking about it that much.i mean its just highschool. it turned out that it's just as i expected, normal school. the days went by, and i remained as always, lonely and isolated.
Kaiju Hunters-It Begins
When it came to school i wasn't the smartest, in fact i barely got through highschool and i never did got to go to college but the one thing i did know is how to fight. end