Better Trick than the Treats
The dragon told riku to see it as him getting both a trick and a treat, and really good ones at that; the canine's had turned red again from those words.
Looking For Treats, Getting Tricked
Asked a young man, one who was just a little bit too old to be out trick-or-treating, most would assume. "i'm sorry, boys, but i didn't buy any candy this year. i'm afraid you'll just have to move on to the next house."
Seventh Invocation - Tricks for Treats
#7 of the denseri chronicles the denseri chronicles seventh invocation tricks for treats written by panthera leo (pantheralioness at
Trick or Treat Gone Wrong
"trick or treat!" he cried out and beamed, showing off his teeth. mojito mumbled the words in kind and nervously held out his own pail. it was easy to be himself around ritt, but other people? that was a different matter.
Teaching a Feral New Tricks
I'm not dead. My writer's muse is just a bitch. Sequels to my other stories (where there will be sequels) are in the works, they're just progressing in fits and spurts. They'll be out in time, but I can't give y'all a good time table. I wish I could....
Alakazam 4 - Trick or Treat
Alakazam - trick or treat aside from the red stripe cutting across the paintwork of hank's chevrolet chevelle, the car was as black as a panther.
Nightlife 2 - Another trick
Why did this feel so good, right even, he was just another trick for the night he shouldn't feel anything.
Old Friends, New Tricks
Shaylor was walking home after a pleasant lunch out, wading through the crowded sidewalk. She accidentally bumped into someone walking the opposite direction. Apologizing, she looked down to see who she ran into. Tiffany rubs her head and notices who...
Old Friends, New Tricks
**Shaylor was walking home after a pleasant lunch out, wading through the crowded sidewalk. She accidentally bumped into someone walking the opposite direction. Apologizing, she looked down to see who she ran into. Tiffany rubs her head and notices who...
Trick or Treat? Chapter One
"you're in for a treat...and a trick..."
Cast Away
I was strong, but now I'm not The cold wars, I have fought These endless roads, I will trot. I'm stuck in the world of my own thought, Where chaos reigns and light falls. Where Utu dies and so do laws. The dream that I once sought, ... Gone....
The Birth
As Katrina crawled into bed, she curled up under her new comforter. It was covered in soft fuzz that gleamed a light purple, which was one of Katrina's favorite colors. Katrina was slowly rubbing her little paws over the fuzz, admiring how it felt like...