Interwoven Souls - Chapter 7: The Owl's Hollow
Maybe you humans and anthros aren't all that bad after all.~" he could hear a tingle in her voice, looking at him playfully before gazing out the window.
Symbiotic Lion
"Jeez, why's it snowing so much, it's only March!" The tall, blond haired young man stepped onto the foyer, shaking himself of any excess snow. He knew that he lived up north, but he didn't think that random snowstorms in the spring were going to be a...
Silver to the Gold
"Don't miss the spectacular match featuring our champion, Golden King! Make sure to come and watch tonight, tickets for sale..." the radio chimed on while Shu stored away his groceries. He set the bags on the counter and let out a sigh, thinking about...
SYBT: Condition, Horse
So You've Been Transmogrified Condition, Horse To say that it was another day at the office would have been accurate, but it would also have been a disservice. Vix was having a normal day, granted normal for her was often enough not normal for...
SYBT: Horsey House Party Part 4
So You've Been Transmogrified: Horsey House Party Part 4 Marty leaned against the side of the house looking out at the yard sipping his shity tasting drink. Tonight had been the very definition of a mixed bag. He had gotten on the Lacrosse team, but...
Chapter Three: A Painful Memory
It is where experiments are performed on humans and anthros, all in pursuit of something that we know only as 'the serum.'
Fursona Transformation
Just be able to switch between human and anthro. would you like that?" i jumped off the bed and gave her a big hug. her fur was very soft. "yes!" i shouted, "that would be perfect!
Black Hand: Political Favor
He had only a minor amount of regard for humans, but ziara was a good enough pet that he had started wondering if it was possible for humans and anthros to interbreed. the woman could hardly do a terrible job of child rearing, after all.
Anthro Reprogramming
The humans and anthros are starting to blend as more of the group becoming the furry creatures. i hope you all enjoy, i would love to hear what you all think of this story! ^_^ "let them out!"
Forbidden Affairs - You're Safe Now
The beach front was quite a way from the nearest colony, both human and anthropomorph. "it's coming from that way." victoria pointed in the direction of the sound and started pushing through the low shrubs.
Smouldering in Lust: The Heat of Lava Dragon (erotic eBook teaser)
In a world of humans and anthro creatures, they make tentative steps towards one another, two guys working out where they fit in the world as adults, though they are hardly alone there.
Hell on Earth. Chapter 17
Its liquid scrambles human and anthro dna. the deconstructor is for inanimate objects. this beauty, however, is designed for living subjects. not permanent; that would be unethical. no, this is temporary. when it works, at least."