Suiting Up: AV
They then rubbed over the bulge in their belly, feeling the squirms of the mouse inside. "they'll be with us too. maybe not consciously but forever adding to our body, some added heft to our hips or maybe even breasts.
From Fantasy to Eternity
Lumps from the various toys got in the way, with them in position he could scarcely squirm. he tried to push out but it wasn't working. no matter how he squirmed, the stuffing stayed close to him.
Sibling Sparks
"aaah jayzel~" "damn, squirming already? it's just my finger bro~" "i know but it feels so good... you were always so amazing with your fingers~" "oh yea?
Warcraft - Cownage Pt. 1+2 (VORE)
The goblin squirmed, and the tauren just lazily lidded his eyes and tongued deeper.
A odd sandwich filling (hard vore)
There, with a single gulp the unknowing teen sends the large ball of chewed up food own his tight throat a very ominous sounding gulp sounding from the throat at you watch it then for the first time you see that muzzle, opening ahead of you making you squirm
The "Lucky" Owl
While he squirmed blushing as his nostrils were filled with the lugia's arousing thick musk.
Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf - Chapter Three - FINALE -
Samuel blinked, then blushed and giggled, before he squirmed and winced. he could feel the cooling mess under his tail that soaked it and the lace panties he wore.
Nom-U: Synth Studies
He landed with a surprising amount of grace, his strong legs flexing as his squirming, swollen balls hung a bare inch off the floor. those huge nuts pressed his legs apart and each step jostled the sloshing seed and squirming otter inside.
Bunnies Playtime
She squirms and feels something poking her in the back as he blushes as she turns to look at him with a big smile her little tail wiggling against the poking object causing him to bite his lip and nod.
Of Legendary Proportions - Part 2
The toy in his tailhole had never once stopped pressing and squirming against his prostate, much like his own prehensile cock pressed and squirmed in to that horrifyingly perfect milker.
Persuading the Arcanine
The thrust also had the added effect of making his prey squirm more, pushing against your head and back with all their might.
Bruin Shade
Precum already began to dribble down along the squirming form.