Chapter One: Southern Castle Attacked!
Bruvius not thinking...rushed orc jumped away while the other defended. bruvius yelled out his father's name before hacking and slashing at the orcs defensive posture, the orc wheeling back in surprise.
Debaun's Big Trick - By Danath
The orc shrugged and climbed the steps to stand on top of the tank next to the feline.
The Emerald Oath: 3 - Warmaster
Startled, he whipped around to find the orc again... but no, this wasn't the same orc. for one, the orc was still grumbling by the barrel. two, this one's eyes were more of a silver color.
Call Me Daddy
Hairs and even massaging the orc's heavy balls with his soft paws.
Gorak and the Dragon
The orc pushed his head down, and the mage complied, opening his mouth widely and taking in the orcs whole groin.
Day 25 - Cozy
The kiss was broken moments later, the bear's eyes catching the tented bulge in the orc's pants. "are you still up for it?" the orc asked with a rumble, golden eyes full of life and desire.
Steelhands and Stonefist Ch. 1 - The Bachelor
She'd killed just as many adversaries, human and orc, as they all had, and had been just as capable a warrior as any male orc that she'd ever met.
Green Dominos 2
He wanted the orc to know who he was messing with. he raised a hand to knock - and the door opened. the yellow-green orc wasn't even properly dressed.
Room Service
"customer's an orc warrior. they're all about meat, don't you know. good for the muscles." "an _orc_? when did we get an orc?"
The clan Bouh.
Never i could think i could ever serve one of those orc members.
Dragon Bending
Growled, then sneezed the orc as he took another step.
The Orc Bar
A group of orcs convince vinden, a sorcerer, to transform into an orc for their pleasure. commissioned by zigzagziggy. vinden belongs to them. "come on," the orc cajoled. he gave vinden a wide grin, his lips pulling back around his tusks.