One Less Vixen (OLD)

It plopped uselessly into the muck, but leshana still groped for it. with her eyes sore and nearly useless without glasses, she didn't realize the wolf wasn't holding it until she tried to pull it taut.

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Better and Better

useless. useless! he pours his rage into the hapless log for a time longer, until at last something catches his eye. the tree is covered in her claw marks. he sniffs cautiously at the portion he has not yet destroyed and is rewarded with her scent.

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Beach Broken

"hmph... at least you're not entirely useless..." lily grumbled as she begrudgingly accepted the water, taking a short sip before setting it aside... alongside some of the other drinks she'd gotten him to fetch.

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Addiction - Chapter Twenty-nine: Chase

My uselessness began to feel more severe. 'useless' was a word of slander my friends and i used to throw around. useless, next to gay, or faggot, was one of the worst things you could be. i felt pretty useless there as the long summer days dragged by.

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Master of Realms

"it seems like whoever was causing it stopped doing it, of course they may try again soon but i will be prepared then" "i was so useless..i feel like i almost died...then i would have been for nothing..."


Leviathan Chapter Seven: The Sea

Down here, vision was alternately crystal clear and completely useless, especially when leviathan mistakenly churned the silt settled at the bottom.

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Adventures of Josh the sayan. Part 4 The Dragon Ring

It is said that the ring choose his target and gives him dragon powers after that it is useless, like a ordinary ring." drago said. "so you mean that the ring gave me its power and this is just an ordinary ring now and useless."

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Chapter 17: Oh, THAT Mental Examination

Shadow needed mood suppressants, as he had anger issues, and the doctor felt that anger management classes would be useless at his age.

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Genetic Children-Log 03- No Work Today

His house was laced with a passive explosive that had to be armed or it was just as useless as play dough, c2 explosive was much more stable than c4 and the explosive can be more easily controlled.

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Kharok adventures part 1: It's unwise to stop anywhere.

The boar oinks widely, pressing his nose against kharok's rump, the orc pulling uselessly against his bounds to escape.

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Drayke meets Arliss (A Fanfic for a friend)

His wings fluttered useless underneath him as he sat their exposed to the night, not knowing what to do now.

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Alpha and Omega: The Outlanders Chapter 11

_a useless alpha_. her entire puppyhood of training was a waste. all the management and responsibility of her life was pointless. of all the things she was told to avoid or overcome all missed something. something huge.

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