The Dogs: Hath A Familiar Spirit

A nobody - he would die, obscure, forgotten, his body would rot inside the mountain that birthed him and his headstone would be eaten by the forest that covered it, like so many others before, like so many others to come, _and it was all his own fault_.

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Jeremy 008.001; Predation

He came to a headstone and searched the entire edge but failed to find a hiding place or anything else that would help him. making his way from one stone to the next resulted in finding nothing.

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Perilous Jaunt Chapter 11

"i can pay for his coffin, a priest to say some sermon or his headstone!" mary laughed at the very idea and shook her head. "what kind of whores have you been around?

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Chapter 17: You Can't Escape

Piles of stones were scattered everywhere, the headstones of the dead. withered leaves blew through the place, lifted on the breath of the mournful wind, and eno sat in the midst of this death, munching on a melon rind as if he was at home.

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Day of Infamy

The gravel pathway was framed with green grass and poppies and american flags were the only other splashes of color amongst the thousands of white headstones that surrounded him.

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Family History - Ch1

I looked down at his headstone and shook my head. "mikhail, you old stoat, did you have any idea what you were letting me in for? you're setting me up to be the alex haley of fur, but you've handed me a life's work here.

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Speak Easy

He sat down heavily, leaned against the headstone. the sun was shining, and blue jays called loudly from a nearby pine tree. kore pulled from his pocket a familiar, battered moleskin notebook and thumbed through the pages.

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Reconstructed Fragments

Across at a trio of sullen faces in court, whether you'll have to relive the awful memories once again in front of a box of random people who could decide their fate, or whether instead you'll visit a cemetery at some point in the future and spit on a trio of headstones

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Blind Lane

Gazing upon the headstones, one by one to see if any of them felt familiar. only for the servant to chirp and circle a pile of rocks. "this one? are you certain?" another raspy response as she read the mark. "hmm... an unknown charr warrior lies here.

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Let Him Go

A new grave, with the earth still fresh, a pile of flowers covering the disturbed earth, and a simple headstone in dark marble. andrew pollard, age 18, died a week ago. mourned by his family and friends, but never forgotten. "joe..."

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How Shadows Taste (reupload)

He stumbled backwards to sit on a luckily-placed headstone, his hand thrust to his forehead.             "scruggs--" he cried out. "what - oh gawd--"             "like it?" scruggs snickered.

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Bone King: King's Stockade

Josh swore under his breath as the impact nearly forced them off the road and into a stand of headstones. the car, beaten and dripping fluids, wheezed up the hill, exhaust burping and chugging thick, grey smoke.

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