Smuggle Kitty
las vegas and los angeles became one in the previous century. the twin cities were once a glorious unity; today they were a massive ghetto. of course, the las vegas strip was a protected area. alana exited the transport and stretched.
Chapter I: Light, Darkness, and Lamp Posts
Ro had an intrigued look on his face, koji took the phone and placed it on his face "koji, we might have a serious problem, you live in south las vegas, yeah look outside.", on the phone was las vegas outsiders leader, jackson, a small orca, but great with
What Was Broken [10]
The last time they had both been in las vegas, lazarus had to spend it planning and then carrying out their stupidly daring snatch-and-dash.
Transformation Vignette: What happens in Bokuso City...
As a note, bokuso city doesn't exist in the canon pokemon universe, but i didn't find a las vegas counterpart; since las vegas means "the meadows", i looked up the japanese word for "meadow" and decided bokuso sounded pretty good.
The Treasure Trove
las vegas had been taunting her with its magnificence, and she had decided to bring it down as testament to her strength.
He Walks As My Shadow 3 - Brief Encounters
#3 of chronicles of finalgamer 16 - my shadow spending his first proper night in the demonically-aligned las vegas has offered fg a new insight into several things.
Bigger and Better
Mark beamed down on the las vegas strip, his giggles booming thunderously off of every building, resounding in every ear for miles around.
CSI: Las Vegas - A Wolf In the Night
He'd come to las vegas to find peace and to finally be alone from his own kind.
A little bit of everything Chapter 3: Recollection I
_this is a big problem._ a large green sign that flashed past them at eighty miles per hour with the words printed in white: 'las vegas: 100 miles' was the real problem.
The Guardians Shadow ch16
Just then my wrist computer dinged after two minutes and a map showed up with a red blip pulsating at a building in the las vegas area.
Fifty Shades of Tan: Welcome to Sin City
Things are about to get very hot and wet in las vegas... leilani will be back in 2017 for more adventures!
The Wetlands
For this story, i decided to incorporate some personal experience i have had living out here in las vegas, nevada.