The Untold Raptor Diaries
Upon a lengthier study of its body, i was pretty certain it was pure blooded velociraptor, unlike sophie's hybrid breed which was devoid of any sickle claws.
Nova Wars 4: Training
"i haven't even started dicking you, let alone dicking you around," the velociraptor said with a chuckle. "but while you're just hanging there, let me remind you of something. "i'm the captain here.
Freunde AaronBilly Mike Tina Rachael Victor Transformation Geschichte.5
Seine beine in velociraptor hinterbeine zuerst gebildet, da sie mehr ähnlich waren, aber seine arme dauerte viel länger zu bilden.
New Pleasures
The velociraptor called for the two dinosaurs. though her species was fast by nature, even her couldn't make out with the speed of the ornithomimus. she tried to run, but they quickly outspeeded her.
Kaotic beginnings - A Kaos Army story - Chapter 13
#6 of kaotic beginnings the general has been very busy, regardless of what that rude velociraptor says, and takes a well deserved coffee and bacon sandwich break in between recruiting orcs.
A Dino's Crisis 1 - Break The Raptor
Such was the way of the velociraptor, to spread out and ambush, but he merely went into a submissive posture and chirred: _"please, i mean no harm!"
Nova Wars 10: Deep in the Mines
The velociraptor was too stunned at the sight of a legend made into reality.
Sapient Genus Species
- velociraptanro - velociraptor wyvern (mythical) - wyvanro - wyvern (arms are wings.) ##### birds - avianro - aves bluejay - cyanocittanro - cyanocitta canary (yellow) - serinanro - serinus flaviventris cardinal - cardinalanro - cardinalidae chicken
Life Partners
"oh, are you a velociraptor?" "yes, and you're a utahraptor," tsunami answered, "so to me you are exotic." "you're a little big to be a velociraptor aren't you?" "i'll explain that later," tsunami answered. "ok." "oh, you're so sexy."
Warren, Murder and Sex
He grips the rivercrystal stone and transforms himself into a terrifying velociraptor and turns around to look at the mother bunny.
The Rogue and the Hunter 1 - The First Year
"_ _william sharp_ _integrative cooperative study of velociraptors - week 1_ _24-03-2032_ _reported by dr.
The Dinosaur exhibit
I do know that it would be weird to start one with a velociraptor of all things. yet there was something in the pit of my stomach saying that this was ok.