Chapter IX, A rough passage
"my name is sibuna..." the jackal said through clenched teeth. the ship hit a big wave and the ship rocked hard, the jackal bolted up and charged to the nearest rail.
In the Chambers of the Hoofed Queen
Meanwhile, a single black jackal stood on the balcony of the royal palace, dressed in an airy white loincloth and decorated with gold and gems.
A Troubled Couple
Tears grew in the jackal's eyes, and he began to sob earnestly into john's shoulder. the german shepherd began to cry to, stroking the jackal's cheek.
What Lichen Longed For
This jackal. the hyena leaned in and closed his fangs around sable's throat. the jackal howled as teeth ground against but did not quite shred open his flesh.
Splintered Light, Chapter 6.1: Koen Amih Ohn Rork
This chapter in its entirety will be 'hosted' by everyone's favorite tribal jackal first mate: ash-moon.
The Temptatious Terror (Dark & Extreme content!)
The jackal's earth!
An Autumnal Interlude
Harper laughed softly and ducked her head to kiss the jackal's pale pink lips, parting her own to invite the jackal's long agile tongue into her mouth, 'hmm-ing' softly.
At the first glimpse of the jackal, he blinked, as if trying to clear his vision.
Next In Line
Well, all she had to do was give a good tonguing, she figured, and she'd get that jackal stiff.
"love you too, jackal. even if you're a jackal." "you love me being a jackal, anyway." she grunted, nosing him more firmly. "and we're agreed we can, uh... forget about all this, right? everything i said last night?"
Chapter 3
jackal did not have a single clou what happened after he lost consciousness. \>\>you surely ask yourself what happened out there, aren't you?\<\< jackal gulped and nearly stared at the fox which still stands in front of him.
Tales from the Beast City: Shady Dealings
"i got caught up, but let me make amends," the jackal replied, rubbing his backside against his friend's crotch. the tiger set him on his feet and watched as the jackal kneeled, unfastened his pants and freed his soft member.