Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 35: The More You Look The Less You See (Places Both Known And Unknown Part IV)
Trance, dawn and i watched as the blue coupe 'thawed' out from its encased tomb. **\*side-pods engaged\*** "get in." i ordered the two females. "ms. trance your human form please. it is easier on the eyes."
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 103: Wolf’s Hole
Otter this may look like an ordinary blue coupe, but it is a very sophisticated weapon.\*** "that much is obvious ah..." "overwatch. that is what we call the automated assistant for the blue coupe."
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 6: Aware And Terrified
"you know the blue coupe wasn't the only prototype the knights had in world one- there was the red and silver ones as well." "i see your point pet. i have been searching for the other prototypes during my return visits to world one.
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 72: That Which Means The Most To Us (Rising Part IV)
I said joining her in the blue coupe.
Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 34: How Do You Choose Who Will Be Saved?
The female brown bear climbed out of the blue coupe. she attempted to scent the air as she hobbled down aisles upon aisles at the flea market until she found locker alley.
Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 12: The Darkness Is Gathering
I found the four meerkats working feverishly on the blue coup and black utility vehicle. i watched the footage for forty five minutes before heading home.
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 126: Things No Apology Can Heal (Consensus Part Four)
With that the female gorilla piloted the blue coupe now disguised as a log right to the shoreline of the swamp five hundred feet from the traitor and the mercenary. _"this is a nice piece of hardware ben. can i call you ben?"
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 49: Nothing Important Happened Today
A blue coupe?" "not exactly." i said grabbing her paw. "this is a weapon disguised as a blue coupe. sir ram and mara created it after our run in with the animalita at pyramid bank." "really?" she said crossing her arms laughing.
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 141: A World On The Brink of Collapse (All Of Our Tomorrows Were Yesterday Part Three)
I rejoined sir ram, he was leaning against the side of the blue coupe. "what did sanda say?" he asked coughing again. "he is down."
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 55: Begging, Whining, Crying And Even Pleading For Evil Not To Be Evil (While She Was Away Part One)
With that sir ram hoisted the captured rebel over his shoulder and stuffed him into the trunk of the blue coupe. but not before removing his clothes- all of them. "now i can't have you escaping before your final judgment!" he said laughing.
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 31: The Further Adventures...
I said looking out of the window of the blue coupe as we flew overhead. "well apart from the orange sky which means we are moving away from decimated territory." the brown bear next to me was silent as she took in the view.
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 39: A Dawn-less dawn (Conclusion)
Corey and corbin walked over to the blue coupe to watch the last few minutes of what the probe recorded. "what the frack!! what the hell were those things and that yellow flash?" **\*we still don't know. mr. collins.