Kaotic beginnings - A Kaos Army story - Chapter 8

Putting Rap in charge of designing uniform was always going to achieve some interesting results; the skinny little raptor simply adored clothes and accessories, unlike his grumpy boyfriend who shunned them completely and strutted around proudly naked,...

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Kaotic beginnings - A Kaos Army story - Chapter 7

There was no disputing that The Dragon had a few tricks up his black, leather motorcycle jacket sleeve; it seemed only a matter of hours before a brand-new flag was flying from a tall, shiny pole outside the Kaos Army headquarters. It was black. The...

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Kaotic beginnings - A Kaos Army story - Chapter 6

Brainstorming a name for their new military organisation and a snazzy logo to go with it reminded Anar of the awful 'Teambuilding Workshops' back at Hell Afterlife Services. Clusters of devious minions forced to work in small groups, who...

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Kaotic beginnings - A Kaos Army story - Chapter 5

The suns and their radiating warmth broke through into the mostly empty room and Anar woke with a start, almost reeling from the possibility that this was still Purgatory, and he was back in that old Hellscape with familiar terrors and challenges. He...

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Kaotic beginnings - A Kaos Army Story - Chapter 4

Kaotic Beginnings 4 Dinner had not been quite what they had expected. The military base they had found themselves in was also not quite what they had expected. It was barely built and, so far, deserted. As the sandstorm outside died down the...

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Kaotic beginnings - A Kaos Army story - Chapter 3

Kaotic Beginnings: Chapter 3 Aardvark looked at dinosaur. Dinosaur looked at dinosaur. Dinosaur looked at aardvark. They all looked at The Dragon. "M-Military?" Anar said, trying not to choke on the word, "you're running a military organisation?"...

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Kaotic beginnings - A Kaos Army story - Chapter 2

**Kaotic beginnings: chapter 2** Something large, green and angry (that wasn't Rave for a change), swung out of a creaky wooden seat with knuckles dragging the floor, and blocked the party's path to the bar. It had a row of piercings in its pointy...

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Kaotic beginnings - A Kaos Army story - Chapter 1

**Kaotic beginnings** 1 The Gate shimmered and melted away behind them, leaving only a blinding light; a bombardment of photons from rays of sunlight - the real deal this time, not a poor artificial imitation. It was golden hued and warm....

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The Book of Warlock 3. In the presence of magic.

He had slipped away at the first sound of hooves. Not far. He wasn't about to run and hide, just deep enough behind the scrub to spy on whoever had dared to approach their makeshift camp. It could have been Nisgarant's runners, scouting about for...

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The Book of Warlock 2. Desertion before dawn.

The aroma of charred meat and sweaty boots filled the air as Lieutenant Brook jabbed her dagger-tip into the dirt in front of her, troubled. The winds had changed. Literally and figuratively. A cold bite was sweeping down from the mountains, and...

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The Book of Warlock 1. We begin with death.

A smattering of stars had appeared in the sky, as the clouds that once hid them from view dissolved into faint wisps of water vapour. They were twinkling and arcing over the far heavens above, a welcome source of light on this dark night. The...

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Winny - A Kaos Army story EPILOGUE

EPILOGUE General Warlock opened the door to the officers mess and ushered Winny inside. Rave was first to spot them. He clonked Rap with his pool cue, "Psst! He's brought that ruddy elf in with him." "Ow! yeah, so? You do that again, I'll make you...

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