/adhg/ scraps about "The Bandit"
\>would she humor you, or just take the food and bail? she wouldn't take the food and bail, but only because that would mean she'd have to carry it, when she could just eat it right now.
New Beginning Chapter 2: Hard Time
"look, just come to chu viridian police station and raichu 25 grand for bail, please?" "bail? you're in jail?!" "yes, but it's not rai you think! just don't tell my folks, o.k?" "i don't kn..." bzzzzzzzzz...
Cutest Jailbird I Ever Did See
"maybe he's sick of bailing your smelly ass out of jail." --chapter four: 4:10 am, kahnso posts bail _"...officer dustin mcshane again. we picked up ash-."_ kahnso hung up the phone and grumbled.
Chapter XI: Search For Tomorrow
He wanted to bail out now. he didn't want to commit to this, and then wind up failing later on. it would be just yet one more thing in his life he was unable to complete.
Prisoner of War
He was slumped over a bail of hay. he tried to get up but realized that his wrists were tied so low to the wall that he can only get up to where he can only bend. he then found himself not only bound to the wall, but completely naked.
Todd's Senior Prom (Part 6)
Colton sat up against the straw bail, his eyes a little wider, his tail twitching, and a playful smile on his face. 'that's _way_cool, todd-coon. i never heard a guy's heartbeat before. how did i never think of that one? you got it.'
Deposit for Nanita
She let out a wide and tiresome yawn before rolling out of her bed of burlap sacks and scattered hay, hidden between the barn wall and a tall stack of hay bails.
He rotated his head slightly and saw that along the side of a luscious pasture, the last of the season's grass was being cut and bailed.
Star Blazer Chapter 2
Peering over the hay bail, shi saw two guards split from the group, trying to outflank hir, as one sneaked left while the other crept right, dashing behind what ever cover they could find.
The Mayor's Secret Part 1 - Commission for hoot12
For example, she could modify the bail so that once it was flipped for casting, it couldn't be flipped back. that would send the hook, and whatever was attached to it, flying as far out as the line could reach.
Scales and Scavs chapter 10, Final earning
"how much did they give for bail?" "i don't know yet." "hopefully, not too much."
The Adventures of Peter Gray Chapter 19: How I Got Meself in Jail
"the fine and bail cost us...it wasn't cheap for us." ouch. i clamped me paws and felt me breathing hasten.