The Secret Box
Mikey slowly picked up the box, and held it up high to the night sky. "let me see!" raph quickly ran up behind mikey, trampling him to take a look at the box. "dude, we should check these out back at the lair!"
A Box's Hole
There would be no him and his box. he took his penis and stuck it into his box. he breathed in and exhaled slowly as he rubbed the top of the box's smooth surface.
Boxing Gunn
He came in with a boxing stance and varied two struck from the staff, but the first one caught him clean in the belly...and didn't let up!
What's in the Box?
The oversized box wasn't taped or sealed shut: the white ribbon atop red wrapping paper was just for show, and the lid came away with only the slightest effort.
Two Boxes
The only thing important was contained withing the golden box now in his paw. gryphon opened it. sunlight glinted off the polished gold bands inside.
As a Box of Rox
"it's okay, box," sam smiled, putting his other arm around her. "hey box," cal grunted, a toothy grin fighting against his self-control. "how bout something to keep our mouths from getting dry, huh?"
Vvevv's Box
Vvevv's box chapter 6 ---from vvevv's perspective--- it's been two days since that russian guy max-whatshisname threw me at my box and broke my leg. it still really hurts but i've been getting emotional support from tysiin and detlev. mr.
Boxing is not for sissies!
This is a boxing gym and here, we box. if you take it further and hurt my friend in there in any matter i don't consider fit for a boxing match, i will personally use these very same claws..."
Fox in a Box
Fox in a box written by leo\_todrius the clamber of the prison was a little more than a dull roar today.
The Mystery Box
Slowly llir looked back at the now dark box. despite the fact the light was gone, he could easily see the red gooey smear that had been eric.
Pizza Box
The knot of pheeze's cock bumped desmond's box, and he kept going with it.
Hot Box
As for the story, it involves: m/m, m/c-boy musk/sweat/juices transformation zylen, ruby, mask, calvin, sanela, and the story are all (c) to me, apollo, ty, kaiea, and sanela are all (c) to hot box written by: zylen andel commissioned by: apollojay89