"Family Tails" - Chapter 17

The sea wolf units were called in to find the cartel strongholds, gather intelligence, and harass the enemy.

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A New destiny part 1

How much time its gonna be before the police catches my drug cartel?

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The sole good thing about death is that you don´t feel pain anymore.that what my boss on the cartel told me that´s the sole thing good of death is the eternal void that comes after it. to be a drug dealer he was quite poetic.

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Tales of Zootopia: Boss Guillermo

Eventually, a drug cartel attacked his hometown, and his parents sent him on a plane to zootopia. when he got there, he had no job, no home, no food, and no quick way to get any of those. he was just 10 years old at the time.


Los Señores Del El Diablo

cartel? the fucking mafia? no one is interested in me anymore, so what do you perras want?" i took in deep breaths seething with anger. who the fuck does this puta think he's doing?

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Blind Connection

Their movements were more precise than the other guards, leading her to believe they must be the cartel's personal guard.

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El desayuno está servido

Su ánimo estaba por los suelos cuando un cartel en el interior de un rascacielos acristalado llamó su atención. se busca asistente.

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6 bestias - Capítulo 11: La escritura Ármica

Pasaron de largo por una pared enorme que estaba llena de carteles y grafitis de todo tipo, y torcieron a la izquierda.

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Slave Trade - Inspecting the Merchandise

You were with a traveling cartel until you were sold to pit slavers." "yes, master. you are right, as always." the fox said the words by rote, but he was astounded. had lord hector studied his history? had his master taken an interest in him?

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Ch 13. Lesson Seven. Always Follow Through

I send the money via electronic deposit and transfer into rakes account, then i send that to the cartel?" aden nodded.

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Supposedly it's an old mining facility, apparently ran by a cartel of some kind but was later abandoned.
