Sunny's Battle Class: Gone Wrong

What about his icewing dignity!? "oh! it's all so cute and handsome!" kinkajou cried in victory. oh, now he is cute and handsome, turtle thought with jealousy.

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Journeys of Time 7

Alexander, gaceia, hildegaard, janch the bladetail, lyra, sasha, solan the lunarfreezer, varani the second icewing, yang, yin and story © me kichiro the magmawing (c) me and peridot © me and sedrinthestar on fa tenchi ©

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Saving the ponies chapter 4: Party in the cake shop

"don't make that face; maverick has permission from lord icewing to ride ponies." at that, twilight's face grew even more amazed. "what?" rainbow asked. "he met lord icewing?" twilight managed to make her whisper the loudest anypony had ever heard.

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Helen's TIMEs to remember

Helen smirks and said "are you flirting with me, icewing?" he grins and said "one can not resist...." helen said "let's get inside and see my room."

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Dragon Who

Her body was thin with very sharp angles, no smooth curves that would make her look like a sandwing, but rather more like an icewing, if it wasn't for the bright white tail barb. mayfly had taken a step back and was watching them both.

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Saving the ponies Chapter 9: Really? Like, seriously?

"anyway, did you talk to lord icewing?" "yeah, we had a quick chat. he wasn't all there though; he looked like he was about to fall asleep in his chair. i got work too; whenever you have a shift, i can just pop in here. it's perfect!"

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Kween Karen Lays an Egg (OUCH!) - Part 2

Turns out the icewings and skywings and such loved to see the ex-queen of their opponents being portrayed in such an entertaining light. seawing propaganda for you right there.

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Trials of Love, the Frostclaw Chronicles 16

Azura, chaldoa, darkspeaker hauga, diopia, faarg, hildegaard the ghostwing, izae/xixexa, jae frostgate xxv, janch the bladetail, jigo, jokeress, lòeón, lyra, magea, maria, neo, ocarina, phoebe, ridgecore vana the prime, sasha, trinity, varani the second icewing

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A NightWing Guide to the Dragons of Pyrrhia: RainWing Mating Habits

We're rainwings, not stuck-up icewings. everyone here is family!" glory thought for a moment. she supposed that was true. rainwings didn't exactly have families, did they? they just lumped all their eggs in a pile and took care of them collectively.

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Trials of Love, the Frostclaw Chronicles 14

Janch, the daughter of varani the second icewing, and the mother of hildegaard the ghostwing, the aerial general that fought for your rights in the great huan war and even against this very same enemy, reported to me and the newest prime about this.

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The Candled Egg - Chapter 2

She wanted to say something, to apologize or just hide under her wings but she couldn't, her body was frozen solid as if an icewing had used their breath on her.

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Journeys of Time 10

Kichiro the magmawing © (c) me and tenchi © (co-author/editor) janch the bladetail, varani the second icewing and story (c) me length: 4,063 words. 22,068 characters.

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