"roger plans to take to anita to a picnic." the captain responds looking at pongo. "oh i see." pongo says smiling while he remembers how anita was placing sandwiches in the basket.
The Plan
If not, i prepared these for plan b. i brought the other trivial things to cover them." yami is at lost of words. he didn't know his friend had prepared a multilayered plan.
The Plan?
"the only time a werewolf sniffs someone's personal belongings is to catch their scent, that werewolf is planning something." said emily. kenny was filled with a mild sense of fear now. "he has your scent now, you can not hide from him.
Tyler is a stallion with a plan, and a competitive streak. and an unassuming bull in his class gets to play a starring role in his nefarious scheme. i love it when a plan comes together. this one took a fair bit of preparation, but it was worth it.
Ein ziemlich verrückter plan, aber es konnte funktionieren, schließlich hatte er noch die anonyme bankkarte aus der schweiz, die ihm chris geschickt hatte, als geschenk aus der alpenkolonie.
Plan A
Thing is, i have a plan to change that, but there's a slim chance something could go horribly wrong. still, the plan is to find someone who is also a furry, catch them while they're alone, and try and be friendly to see if i can score a friend.
The Plan
"so what's the plan overall? how do you plan on getting close to him?" "that's all on una. mostly. i've got my own ways of hiding around him. all she has to do is get him distracted and then i get him." "and if she tries to turn on you?"
The Plan
One mistake can result in chaos: the very thing that plans seek to avoid. or at least, most plans do. but on that horrific day, chaos _was_ the plan. and it was a roaring success.
The Plan
That gave him time enough to come up with this crazy plan and fake the necessary papers with doctor monroe's help, who owed him more than a few favors.
The Plan
But this was a good chance to plant that seed... that silly little plan of becky's. if she let slip that she was interested in martin, her friends would make it happen.
Pleasant suprises: Ch 3 - Plans for the near future
Third chapter. Trying to make em a bit longer every time. Same as every story, this probably makes more sense if you read the first chapter first. By being here on this page, im going to assume you've read both of my other chapters. Anyways, hope...
Bored Meeting
"oh, but that's only phase one of my nefarious plan. phase two goes into effect if the internet does launch. computers are all about automation, yes?" taking a magic marker (which wasn't actually magic), calvin began to draw diagrams on the whiteboard.