An explosion
. Argeshnagluv always wanted to be like Dido, son of the infamous dodo bird flock. Dido was the bane of Argeshnagluv's...
Furst strike- Pilot
#1 of furst strike so this is an attempt at my first story. the characters are human unless stated otherwise. let me know if there is too much violence, or if it is too descriptive, as this is a war story. i dont wanna be hated for that.
When Disaster Strikes
Disaster is like a ninja; lurking in the shadows, waiting for the most opportune moment then striking swift and silent. once it has done its work, it fades away again into the darkness leaving no one to blame.
Striking Black Gold
All seems well in Equestria, it's a nice, warm, sunny day, but beneath Canterlot, in a known part of the Crystal Catacombs that has been turned into a dungeon, a black and yellow Pegasus rests, locked behind walls ten-layers thick, the walls and door...
When Lightning Strikes
At a loss for what to do brad and meesha found themselves striking out in the only way they could; joining minds to unleash a wave of mind-numbing energy.
Pride: Striking Out
Behind her a strike of thunder cracked the air and just as she managed to get her forepaws and forelegs down into the ground she felt the rumbling of the storm through her toes.
#12 of pikachu's unexpected love 3 the rebellion strikes back! "now that everyone is back home safe and sound we can finally attack chris head on!"
A Call to the Strike of Thunder
Farley stumbled droopily up the rocky hill, slotting a paw into a crack created from time for more grip to the hill. Using his other paw, and balancing himself by pushing his feet to the hill, he took a hankerchief from his pocket, wiping the sweatband...
The Majesty Strikes Again
Note: This story is one I'm doing for a close friend of mine. I hope you enjoy this, Papa Bear. Matt was a very lonely man, and at 23 years old, he found that things weren't exactly getting any better for him. It seemed every relationship he ever...
Infiltration - Second Strike
"the terrain where alpha squad lands is pretty barren without much cover, as such alpha squad will have to wear ghillie suits and slowly approach their targets with coordinated strikes to capture the enemy assets.
Lightning Strikes Twice
"lightning strikes twice" by k.m. hirosaki ([[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection)) this story and all characters are copyright © 2005 k.m.
Strike Me Down
. ---- pick me up then strike me down, i will still look upon you with a frown, my heart says yes yet you say no, you put me through emotional inferno, i treat you with love and respect, from you i don't much expect, to you i am little more than