Blinding Furry: Malcolm Vs Rabbit

I was being paid to partake in some lab experiments. at first i tried to back out, only to find i didn't really have much of a choice. i had already signed a binding contract, 'course being held at gun point didn't exactly help things either.

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Ryn just sagged to the floor looking utterly spent, "i was rescued from a bio lab experimenting on people, looking to create super powered soldiers okay. just take tygon and go, i'm too drained from that attack".

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Experiment Zero: Part 1- The Lab

I wouldn't be able to solve puzzles and participate in lab experiments, but i'd still be okay. chris sighed and stood up, looking down at me once more. he told me that i seemed tired and stressed, that i could use some sleep.

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To Wish Upon a Star ~ CH 2

Like always, brian decided to breeze through the lab experiment, taking all the data and doing the pointless calculations as quick as he could, as if by getting out of class earlier he would bring himself one step closer to night time.

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My Desert

"you see, we have been conducting experiments in this lab, experiments on a need to know basis. one of those experiments involved the preservation of a individuals consciousness in a immaterial state. you were the... volunteer for this experiment".

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Living with a Giant- 1- First Impressions

One minute i'm tinkering with some new lab experiment then bam! i'm somewhere else entirely. and not just any somewhere else either. nope, this somewhere was really- well let's just get to the matter and hand.

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Keri’s Jog

She just might end up some lab experiment of the governments or something. a sigh left her lips as she sunk down onto her bed, her belly laying uncomfortably in her lap, making her spread her legs.

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Failed Faith Follies

On the way back to the recreational vehicle the pair use as their mobile headquarters the pair come across a flock of egg shaped white furred creatures that look like some weird lab experiment combining the face, ears, tails, legs and feet of rabbits

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 36: Trust No One (Places Both Known And Unknown Part V)

"that is obvious, but what was the purpose of this lab experiment's origin? was this a weapon of the knights to annihilate opposition to the empire? or something more darker and sinister?" the fossa said interviewing the shadow. "i am not sure."

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 33: All You Need Is Now (Places Both Known And Unknown Part II)

"yeah not bad for a former lab experiment." i said. "a touch of prejudice little cutie?" shakara said paralyzing me with those red eyes of hers. "i mean he is much smarter than he seems, or he has expanded beyond his creator's intentions."

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Trans Lab 008

He was the third trans lab experiment, a male subject made into a hermaphrodite. shi looked around in silence as nobody venture forward to answer hir question.

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I'm Still Normal, Right?

He spoke to the empty room, his mind already drifting to how to set up the lab experiment for tomorrow before he shook the thoughts from his head. "bah, tomorrow." he muttered as he picked up his black, leather jacket and messenger bag.

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