On The Hunt for MOAR: Act II

Her magic was doing its job, it appeared he had stopped growing, and her womb was absorbing his seed almost as fast as he ejaculated it into her.

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Scavenger Part 3 (Commission for Giza)

With the last of the soldiers eaten and absorbed, she now pushed her full head up into the suite that belonged to the general of this base.

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Dawn of a New Age

That it did not take directly from the horses' urine reservoirs the plant's roots absorbed from the horse piss that soaked the ground. it also absorbed the oxygen the horses produced. and so the plant grew gradually.

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Thrall Vore

He started to feel the edge of an orgasm build as he felt the first layer of slave stripped away and absorbed into his balls.

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A Nice "Costume" (Vore/TF Story)

As he continued to absorb the mewse, he felt tingles in appendages that he never had before, like phantom limbs come to life or a leg waking up after an awkward sleeping position.

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Star Dragon race reff sheet

**•energy absorption:** like the rarity of phasing, the power to absorb energy is also rare. while all star dragons can absorb energy in the form of radiation, only those with energy absorption can absorb other types of energy.

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One of Many

That's it, the heads of the creature thought as they could feel their newest addition succumbing, just be absorbed into them as his already puffy face grew less distinctive by the second.

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Chapter X: Meltdown, Part Two

He didn't want to do it but he knew his hand was forced, he would have to absorb two powers.

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Project Zolaris: Ch. 1

We allowed him to absorb any power, any time, and at will. doing this also made him absorb the memories of his victims, this is where the flaw was. absorbing so many memories of hate, discontent and rage directed at super naturals turned him.

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At Cherrytown, Everyone Can Hear You Crinkle.

And i don't need them extra absorbent" (snow saw fiona raise an eyebrow as if she thought that last part wasn't quite true) "maybe the bear does, but not me." "i don't need extra absorbent, i don't even need dia .. absorbent aids during the day.

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Becoming Symbiotic #3

This was it, once you absorbed this potent cum, nothing on earth could do anything to stop you. your roar then boomed even louder, breaking windows for a mile.

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A Sticky Situation (Halloween Story)

Cim's entire body now filled most of the first floor, and the floor above began to crumble and be absorbed away, the zombies that were not being consumed by the carnivorous cock, predatory ass or the voracious mouth were instead simply absorbed, along with

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