Learning Life
"then you must learn to anchor yourself to the light. you must learn that others are only there to strengthen your bond to the light.
Learning to Rule
"come, sister, it's time you learn about ruling." liz snapped her fingers as gregory stumbled backwards, and the moment the command was uttered the halter pulsed.
Learning War
After living with her for so long, he had learned a few things about baigh: first, she had a penchant for speaking her mind, and secondly, she hardly every showed any emotions other than arrogance...or confidence.
Learning Curves
He took to the tales like thrymja after a squirrel; dragons figured in many of them to some extent and he was eager to learn a little of his lost kindred, though it saddened him that so many involved the hero slaying the beast.
Higher Learning
A request that i did for ryusho yosei on fa :3 higher learning by luther since the events after his time on the isle of kinoa, life was something to readjust to for ryusho.
Learning to Fly
learning to fly i sat in my quarters, and logged into the muck. it had been a stressful day for all the crew.
Learning Experience
"i hope that you learned what you were hoping to find out," she whispered before teleporting from the room, leaving the two-tailed fox alone with whatever he was dreaming.
Learning to Bond
It was a year after his father died, the skinny, girlish, sports-inept, artistic, smart 16 year old raccoon boy with long brown hair and a slightly bigger than normal tail's mother, a beautiful raccoon, who lent a lot of her looks to her son when he...
Learning Period
learning period jessie was bored as most young furs were in her class, it wasn't as though the canine's teacher was any good in fact you could say he was too good.
Learning the ropes
I learned more about life from him than nearly anyone else, and that is not even counting the more adult things. this is as close to how it happened as i remember it and leaving out a bunch of back story explaining things that probably aren't important.
Learning to Soar
_Learning to Soar_ _ _ The scene was picturesque, a beautiful swirl of violet tone painted over the majestic landscape. The sky was a soft lavender shade, the air on this world containing a strange mixture of inert gases which made the day appear...
Symn Learns
"it learns to talk better and better, and very soon it should be able to-" the shape chirped with a positive note. "t-talks better and better and b-better. better! bett-rah?" the lape squeaked and leant closer. silence. "uh. as i was saying.