Breaking The Line Draft 1, CH 21
"you're going for the satanism angle, aren't you?" arnold nodded. "i thought you wanted to go for truth," albert said. "satanism isn't real, it's just some bullshit stuff the church made up to justify hunting down people they didn't like."
Chapters 5+6
Chapter 5 After we returned to Hogwarts Po went to fix Johan's helmet with dark magic. In her chapel she took a black chicken out of a box and broke its neck, and the blood poured into a jar. She then draw a swastika with the blood and I had to...
Black Sepia - chapter 5
satan, the archangel of the abyss, the son of the morning, the king of hell, the father of lies, was standing in his bookshop. lucifer waved the envelope again.
Croxymoronology Idiotus Hummus
Twas christmas satan boob. bob boob bub beelzebub. religion language is are dead not. quentintsential tarots i know. gypsie woman spell cast on me via rock. guitars and ass boobies tits. future luxury is gula and horrible.
The Devil May Care 22
"as such, mercy was within her bounds to push the will of the undoubtedly angry second satan.
Gabriel & Damien
satan asked, "what ever happened to jason?" god said, "for his willingness to do anything, i sent him to limbo." satan said, "very well. i'm gone." satan teleported away, damien and gabriel went to earth to enjoy their honeymoon.
Angel of Darkness
Gone astray now stuck in the midst of nowhere by my lonesome i walked i begin to chant a prayer feels like i'm being stalked i turn 'round and gape at nothing only blackness and cold trapped in an abyss of haunting in satan's
Random Combustion Day
The committee would like to also remind you that satanic and sexual sacrifices is highly recommended during the deration of the holiday. some of you are asking "why"? well that's simple, for the glory of satan of course.
Silver Stream Memory 15
Well, we're going to come in contact with jesus, satan, and god soon. those quick menacing doings with give way to an exquisite feast."
Now, i'm forced to look at hell and see satan laughing at me. "hahaha." little mouse.. "it's too late." satan but taunted like a little game. i didn't know how to reach.. i didn't know how to tell you..
Halloween 2017: Demon's Night WIP
"in this dark night, i beg of ye satan send me, thine servant, a soldier, bearing your might! in this dark night, i beg of ye satan send me, thine servant, a soldier, bearing your might!"
The Altered Boy
"but the locals have a story--old satan, in his contempt and mockery for the lord's work, decided to tempt his children--as he often does.