Call of the Void
She can't talk to anyone she knows about it, so instead turns to online forums, and meets a new friend, jean, who shares the same thoughts... and a link to a certain secret forum we all know and love.
The Real Folk Blues: High School days *Part1*
It was in a forum on the 3rd floor. he said that there was a forum on every floor except for on the first and eighth. they all walked in and took a seat. the walls were white and had an orange ceiling. the forum was quite large.
Deviant Pack (2) - Home Sweet Home
"we just need to be rational and wait to see what the forum can come up with and then go from there".
Foxfyre, Final (Magic Dystopia)
The internet was indeed available, and he wasted no further time navigating to the forums to figure out what the hell was going on.
CBC - Bludvist - Sugar On Ice
"the band picks one fan from their dark web forum that applies. they give them a whole day of special treatment. backstage tour, private jam session, probably fuck their brains out at some point. the whole deal.
The First Time They Met
"is there a forum in town? i'm looking for a sailor or two with no ties to this area. i am going back west and need a crew mate, i won't be returning."
The Fox General: What I Deserve
The forum was deserted and every step of my boot echoed fiercely. my hackles twitched as an eerie chill ran down my spine. even at night the forum would be bustling but my approach had caused everyone to run for the hills.
Concert Movement Number Four
"do you mind if that part doesn't get onto the forums?" he gave me a crooked smile. "yeah. of course." left turn, avoid the dumpster and broken fire escape. "you read the forums?" "sure. why not?"
The First Day
Every now and then i would take a casual glance behind me at ryan, rikku was doing the same to the dragon that he met earlier in the forum. we went to the cafeteria after the next 2 periods.
Velo and Friends-Velo 1: Vacation Assignment
I made a couple posts of my own, checked, approved, and posted a character profile for a new member then continued to the forums. there wasn't much there that i was interested in except a story that the members were making one sentence at a time.
What (genre?) is that Pokemon?
Obs: this story was posted on the forum as a challenge. the hitmochan was running through the woods while saw the red pokemon flying above his head.
Hardcore Play Pt 1
When i got back to my apartment i got to my computer and went to searching the web for bdsm hookup sites and sex forums. many of them seemed to be badly depopulated. i kept searching until i came to a forum discussion about craigslist.