Brotherly Bluff
This provoked a sudden hipthrust from the raichu, whose cock spat out a little more pre for the quilava kid.
Tyler x Shadow: Chapter Thirty
Tyler thought a moment of how to respond, "he has a quilava and three fighting-types," he began, "and the quilava he had as a starter.
Winding down
"want me to go harder my little toy quilava?" "ahh yes, harder! faster!"
Kevin the Pokeslut
Kevin grunted as he felt the quilava start pounding his hole hard, thrusting deep inside his body with each thrust of his powerful hips. "q-quilava!"
In-Flight Meal
And yet, the sensation of absolute fullness was making the arrogant quilava think that perhaps it had all been worth it.
A Helping Paw
The quilava jerked his feet, yelping.
Quilava Healthcare
As quilavas go, blitz was a rather peculiar one. instead of the blueish-green back-fur most other quilava's possessed, his was a deep purple.
The fox and the Quilava
A quilava but something was off this quilava was made of rubber and was sentient. ruby goes up to the balloon and introduces herself. hi my names ruby whats yours? puff the quilava said. ruby giggle okay puff are you all alone here? yeah said puff.
A Sticky Situation
The venom was doing it's job, but the little quilava didn't notice that he was dying. the feeling left him feeling warm and pleasant.
Lore of Mysticfell - Chapter 2 | Alister
The quilava heads off to take care of her business leaving alister to catch up with his friends before going out for the evening.
Tale Of The Lonesome Prankster Part 1: The Sleeping Forest
Or rather, the quilava himself was flipped on his back in a single motion.
Phor and Leon
Phor hugged the quilava to his chest tightly and clenched his eyes close. both the pokemons moans slowly turned into murrs. leon yawned first as phor slowly fell asleep.