Red Storm ch. 3

"anything to report, comrade?" sgt. leonid kerensky asked. "nyet. but i have a damn good feeling fritz's snipers are in those buildings." yuri said. slight bit winded from his run back here. sgt.

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Chapter 11: Reunion

The entire crew was silent as they flew away from the base, praying silently for the comrade's lost.

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Inhuman characters reference [updated: 06/03/10]

He is ruthless, swift to deal out harsh punishments to his comrades and soldiers, and can be downright cruel to his perceived enemies out of pure apathy.

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RWB 2: Bad Moon Rising Prologue

But, there is one thing that stands in the way of that plan, comrade, and it is something you have never heard of, and once you have, you will wish for the rest of your short life that you hadn't."

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S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: A Fireside Conversation

He offered a pack, which his comrade declined. gravel flicked his hood back then with one last check of the air monitor strapped to his wrist, unstrapped his gas mask and took it off.

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It was because of that, that i did not realize my betrayal, at the paws of my superiors and my comrades. i was a fool. it began fast. one moment i am fanaticizing about my comrades, and the next, i was under attack.

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All His Faith

Nessus stopped before he continued, remembering the war was long over and that in fact he had been with his comrads who had the habit of finding humans to take aboard her ship. "why am i here human?" nessus finally said, now calm.

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RSH- Savior

"exactly so comrade commander." "this is general pasha, comrade.

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RSH- Invasion

"i couldn't agree more comrade colonel." "what is your name comrade?" revedov asked the soldier, watching as he opened his cigarette container only to find that none remained. "timorov, andrei. sergeant, vdv."

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Remembrance: Chapter 1

He had taken the lives of countless enemy troops, and witnessed the deaths of countless comrades on the battlefield. moreover, the only thin separating enemies from comrades is the slightest stroke of fortune.

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Chapter 2:Introductions

Exile asked "something wrong comrade?" of course! i'm madly in love with you and you just kissed me! "'s nothing" keith shyly responded.

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