Love At It's Finest: Episode 5
In turn, i learn his favorite color is red, a very blood-red. when questioned about it, all he does is shrug. i learn his favorite shirts to wear are all one that feature his favored bands.
The Treehouse
Jason admired the flowers he'd brought with him as they walked, he'd never realised that orange was his father's favourite colour.
Princess Elizabeth the Hedgehog's Bio
Her favorite colors are rose pink, white, lilac, red, pastels, and ocean blue.6. her favorite anime characters are erza scarlet, luna the cat, "princess" hisui e. fiore, sailor venus, mew, morrigan, jessie from team rocket, lillith, and pippi (osu!
Executive decisions Chapter 16
Each day, as he sat in his favourite spot, in his favourite room, he would gaze upon it and wonder where exactly his son was and what adventures awaited him.
Pokémon Twentieth Anniversary Retrospective (Updated)
I've only met one person on the interest that has a genuine hatred for n, everyone else i've listened to has acknowledged about n being one of their favorite pokémon characters, and yeah; he's one of my favorites, too.
This Still Doesn't Make Sense at All! [Various TFs]
"that's jasmine's favorite color! christian's favorite color was yellow!" with that, drew's body starting a transformation. his face pushed out vastly, while the tip of his new muzzle became pink with black spots.
Volcan's Gaming Discussion (Part 2)
While this didn't make it into my favourite games, it was close.
Dragon in my room!?
He did what he always did; sat alone on the wall beside the bike shed with his mp3 in, listening to his favourite band: snow patrol.
Interview with Selena [part 1]
What's your favorite color? black. favorite animal? several. tigers, lions, basically anything feline. horses. killer whales, though i don't know why. never seen one in person. favorite music? hard rock, heavy metal.
Walking on Clouds
He's wearing that black shirt with a logo of his favourite rockband, warry talent, along with some white shorts. he knows i love that look, and i'm immediately reminded of his favourite song.
The Diaries
When we decided to stop for the day for the duet i asked him to play my favourite love theme again, and indeed, he did.
The Stable Boy
Finally one day when his favorite girl pony nuzzled him awake he had to little strength to stand and his favorite pony in time began to nuzzle him more urgently sensing that there was something wrong with her favorite herd mate.