My Emerald Angel
"yes sir," my flygon said, her singing wings lifting a foot off of the ground before she left to join amun in the center of the ring. the other flygon said some things in poketongue that i couldn't comprehend, but celia was quick to reply.
Mystic Squeaks
Dust that was disturbed began to settle again as the flygon's wings settled down, the singing noise from his flapping wings dissipating alongside.
Love and a Legend (Epilogue) - Home Coming
Swiftly, jaden's eyes met flygon's, and the trainer gave his friend a confirming nod. this was it, flygon's last attack.
A Desert(ed) Story Part 2 - Searching for a Friend
The flygon said something she couldn't understand. the flygon hit himself at his head, after he realized she didn't understand what he said. "wait one moment, i think i have a solution." jenny walked away.
Pokemon: QATM Chapter 13
flygon howled in agony, trying to shake the mightyena off.
Phor and Leon
"c'mon phor, you know you want to," leon grinned back at the flygon and shook his ass a bit while murring lightly. "i ummmmm..."
Into the Abyss
flygon stirred first and yawned widely before sitting up as well. gabby however continued snoring.
Royal Flush: An Unforseen Era (3)
The flygon commanded. "what will you do if i decided i don't feel like it?" shawna asked, with an air of contempt. "will you kill me?" "heaven's no, that wouldn't accomplish a damn thing." flygon stated.
flygon please help me take me to a far away place."flygon eyes burst open and they both transported to a middle school in a unknown place.
Pokemon Love - Flygon (Preview)
_this was base on a little rp me and my friend did a while ago, of my human oc (aka brandon) and a flygon doing what else?
Knock-Out Punch
Writing (c) me flygon and lairon (c) nintendo girls like chrissie made vincent's work too easy.
Royal Flush: Cruel Intentions (4)
She licked up the flygon's cooch, left to right, slurping up whatever juices accumulated inside her tormentor. she put her tongue on auto-pilot and didn't give her brain enough time to decide whether or not it liked tasting 'essence of flygon'.