First Offense
"i still am willing to do what it takes to help the colony.
Logs from TeMC-672-23
A disturbing short story, the logs of the last caretaker of an abandoned asteroid mining colony.
Chapter Fifteen - A Cat Among Mice
I said as i glanced out into the distance, lowering myself down a little as i spotted one of the pikachu from the colony standing there and facing the other way. "what has a colony of mice ever done for us anyway?
M'former colony is nowhere near here." really, it didn't make any moral difference of course, she was sure tarik's colony had done the same, just not to her colony. rats were rats after all.
Virtual Friendship, Draft 1 CH 15
"horace, the colonies are not in danger. in fact, negotiations will be opening with them in the foreseeable future. if it helps, i'm already there, in fact doing the same work i am doing with the colony ai here." "there's an ai here?"
The Dragon Warrior: Space Adventure Chapter 3
The colony started to collapse and sea water started pouring down from the ceiling. dairyu wished his spaceship was alright. he didn't want to get stranded in a colony with dead bodies around him.
The Fall of Codicina
"alien incursion in colony kappa! repeat....!"
Broken Barriers
The colony could repair the ship. key word being, could. but this colony stayed alive because of its unique access to technology from two species. it would not give for free.
#1 of colonial wars subsets kerrah seven, chief helmsman of the bohorronean, clicked a golden toe impatiently while the recently confiscated nuclear missile was offloaded from the colonial cruiser.
Broke for the Land of Nod
From a purely technical standpoint, jericho was not its own colony. _it's sort of a grey area_, in the deputy administrator's words. _we don't have an official colonial charter, we're just private landowners and no other colony can claim this land.
OR: Gnolbolds
**enemies:** abyssal demons with extreme prejudice, gnolbolds will literally instinctively know when demons enter their colony's territory, sensing the corrupt energy that these demons naturally emanate; the colony's reaction to a demonic presence
Wages: Chapter Ten
"...and i have decided that, for the good of the colony, we must stop this... this sheer insult to his greatness."