The Anthrotransformers - Chapter 2: 'First' Training

His military duty and transformation exercise both progressed really well and if it continued a bit further like this he would soon be out of the novices and recruits building and proceed to next division; newcomers and jr. soldiers.

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Forest Keep 28

We can usually spot when a novice is unhappy or planning something unusual. have you heard anything?"

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It wasn't, it was hand written with well drawn diagrams and illustrations and was titled "a novice's spells for the summoning of demonic beings".

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CatDance #37

She wasn't a complete novice when it came to other females, but a human? still, it might help break mikael's too-serious affection for her, and it would be a new experience... "sure. if you want to, it might be fun." | [!

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Train Exchange (Otherwise Untitled)

She couldn't hear what they were saying from this distance, but it was clear that the buyer was entirely a novice in the whole process; the only real way he could have been worse at this would have been to use a burlap sack rather than the envelope of cash

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New Friends (A Little Slice of Charlie)

It had been far too long since he had gotten a good suck, and balto, novice though he was, had an excellent muzzle.

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Timber & Arctic CH 6

She introduces herself the new recruiters and gave a short chat involving about soccer and started a warm up routine for the novice to start the basics on the soccer field.

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Absorbing Knowledge

Her endurance waned with the constant upkeep however, testing the extent of her novice skills. after what felt like an eternity, she let loose a breath she didn't realize she was holding, and the universe crashed back into existence around her.

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Horns & Halos CH6

"hmmm...not too bad, for a novice.", malice chuckled as she turned her attentions towards arken. "mmmphh!", the cuntboi muttered in angry as the half-fiend loomed over her.

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Voided Traveller: Chapter 5

Names were etched into the stone of the gravestones harshly, like a novice. lexiss hummed, skyclaw thinking that the bright knight was thinking the same thing as he was. they continued, seeing more desolated buildings and rotting crops.

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A Prince's Passions, A Demon's Desires 1

He glared at the departing shadow, tempted to throw his cup after it in an attempt to catch the novice on the run, but he declined.

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