The voice of reason - Ch 16 - "Mikaela"...
'ceylan, rebooting the laptop over and over again isn't gonna work... i can't work like this so i need a new one...' 'no, rebooting won't solve it. i'm just trying to see those error messages.' 'so you know what "stop error 0x00000127" means?'
A Suitable Arrangement (Suited for Adventure Part 2) [COM]
"if it is electronic, we might be able to take it off once it finishes rebooting," he concluded.
Isolation-Excerpt 9-The Basement
Begin system reboot...reboot done. restoring last manual in put...input restored. all systems normal." "did...did the cluster 300 just get hacked?", allen asked over the radio, "what the hell is going on down there sky?"
Project Mitosis: Darwin Genesis
Total system reboot required...reboot
Return to futureland 4
"_ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "starting reboot in 5, ...4, ...3, ...2, ...1 ..." after a flashing, the eyes of the otter-robot returned to a life
Serenifi: HELL-O!
They shall spread war, disease, and screwed-up reboots of beloved cartoons, be they live-action or animated, along the planet! they shall...!" "ah!"
Descent Chapter 6
Initiate system reboot. _whack!_ dan jumped and stared. system reboot failed. making second attempt. _whack!_ "jason!" partial subsystems reactivation achieved. neural pathways cleared and operation.
Prolouge: The Exile
This new series will be my attempt to reboot my twin world series. for those of you who have not read them yet, they're saved in my profile's archives. after a couple of drafts however, i found it easier to start off from semi-scratch.
Dramophone 2
"you never seen reboot before? the first fully computer animated television program?" "aaah, and a feisty character she was," star stands, staring into uma's eyes. "not at all the nervous wallflower i see here."
Iconoclast reboot part 6
#6 of iconoclast reboot the end of this part. feels a bit quick, but works. i finally found a place to use this song though- i thought of it a while ago, because in oblivion maiq the liar says something about "werewolf? where wolf?"
Malefor: the True Origin (reboot)
A claw burst from under the rubble as a loud gasp for air could be heard. The claw belonged to a red scaled dragon, who was struggling to pull himself out of the rubble. The best he could do was remove the debris from his upper body. Every breath was...
Walls: Reboot 5 - The Lockbox
#5 of walls: reboot new encounters, and another piece of the puzzle. thanks go out to my proofers riael and rivet. # chapter 5 -- the lockbox ## **62 a.e.