Sissy Saurian 2
'you can't hunt, can't fight, can't resist.' 'should've stayed, should've obeyed.'
Starlight Part 5
Vanessa is in the shower, humming away at the days upcoming events as she looking forward to hanging out with Sabrina tomorrow, the get together with the two of them, her children and Magnum in her opinion is going to go very well. Speaking of the...
Unforseen Consequences
His resistance had been broken, but he still needed to be properly trained in order to serve the bull as the perfect slave.
Sibling Love
Doing the dishes, I try to steer clear of the sun's rays, feeling myself getting warmer from the water and air temperature. My mind wanders from thought to thought, trying to keep myself distracted while completing the mundane task. I feel myself fall...
Testing the Glitches
He didn't want to resist because, what reason was there to resist? what point was there in not giving in to this if it meant he could have this pleasure?
Duty Chapter 21: Try or Die
Chapter Twenty-One: Try or Die All eight of them were crammed into the coach's office, which only had one window on the door. The office was located in back of the Boy's Locker Room. Some of them were still wearing their gym shorts and t-shirts. They...
Maverick Hotel Part 12 (NSFW)
Yet, despite blu's insistence, i could not resist quietly calling out, "l-lowell?"
Maverick Hotel Part 5
My tail could not resist wagging any more.
Chapter 21: Reconciliation
Chapter 21: Reconciliation Ellie woke early the next morning to the sensation of Jason's warm, rough tongue lapping the base of her left ear. She sighed contentedly, remaining still to allow the cat to finish the affectionate task. Tingles shot...
Maverick Hotel Part 30 (NSFW)
With the combined help of underground resistance and western republic forces, the canadian armed forces reclaimed ottawa.
Maverick Hotel Part 3
_i guess resistance fighters will be resistance fighters_, my mind mused.
Maverick Hotel Part 1
This has everything from religious dystopia, to resistance fighters, gay romance and furries. what's not to love?