Family History - Ch2

One by one he brought back a dozen stout branches, an armful of more slender ones and several loads of evergreen fronds. "ok. lift the tent and wedge it as far under that overhang as it will go...

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My Love

Leaves blow through the air and i drop to my knees in the grass of my frond lawn. falling backwards a leaf blows infront of my face. i fall onto the grass flat on my back, and i lay there for hours. weeping into the sky. staring at the sky.

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Abada -- The Mating Chase

._ it wasn't long before a male abada burst from between the trees she'd just past, and stopped a few feet beyond her hiding place among the fronds.

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Untouchable: Chapter 13: Approved Disapproval

Then the buzzer by the frond door went off to let someone in the building, mom said, "must be sharron and samantha.""i got it," sean said and hit the intercom, "this is unit 423, to whom are you paging.""oh alpha!

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Kalderan Forest Part 4

Before him was a bush, greed fronds all around on thin twigs with red cherry-like fruit in the center. it was a safe plant, as he was told, and the fruit was very sweet.


Found and Lost

Whether by the design of the desert god or not, the two friends spent a warm and comfortable night curled together on a dry bed of fern fronds.

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blackest heart chapter 2

Body" he blinks and looks at the open page which read 'as i gazed down into her womanly valley at those blue and black orbs part of me imagined what the rest of her looked liked and desperately wanted to find out but the mystery of this book...' he fronds

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Kovu and Mipa: First impressions

Her coat of grass fronds rattled with the tension across her whole corpulent body. her paw dug furrows in the moss under her feet. kovu back up a step as she came forward, shoulders pumping under the thick padding on her back. she didn't stop.

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Raptor Den: Chapter 3

For hair kyrio created a thick, wild mohawk of deep, rich blue/black feathers that stood proud above his head before running down the nape of his neck and spine as a trail of fluffy feathery fronds.

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Training the Newdies

A dragon of some height, he had a sleek set of horns on the back of his head and the slight fronds of eastern dragon heritage sticking out of the sides of his mouth.

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