Try it on for size
Looking up to the rabbit, blushing richly as he considered the exquisite texture and flavours of the stirring, struggling body before him.
The Forgotten 6: Rebirth
There were flashes of colors and worlds that were so foreign to her mind that they often stirred her out of sleep violently. it was the drake's mind that ran over her own and washed away those strange stirrings and dreams until she was still again.
He loved her as well and gently pulls her against him, the closeness causing his male bits to stir.
Kaiya, Chapter the Third
C'mon, i feel something stirring back there. are you going to give it to me or do i have to beg again?" i froze still, tangled in my thoughts. "stubborn ape. c'mmmon..." her breath was ragged.
Flights of Fancy
Alex balled a fist and punched the collie in the shoulder with all his might, but the frail rabbit barely stirred the goliath that was tristan (in comparison, of course).
Techne (Alternative Eroticism)
This stirred him, made hackles raise at the same time as his ears flush and his groin stir. it felt like a stomachache that traveled down between his legs, and his bare paws curled against the cold stone floor.
Low Hanging Fruit [Sketch]
Then they stirred again, and yet again, hanging down a little further, spreading out underneath the warmth of the secretary's breath.
Ancient desires
As he drew closer, his dragonhood began to stir within its slit. something about the room was arousing, activating the basest level of his instincts - ones that normally needed a female to stir.
On The Racks [Commission]
Scotty still looked a million miles away, head hanging limp with his mouth open and tongue out, chest stirring while he still tried to catch his breath.
Earth to Earth
He tensed his ass again, and held it for a moment, feeling jupiter stir a little more.
Suki's Connections Chapter 5
Suki began lightly touching the stirring organ, squeezing it as the shaft started getting thicker and firmer.
He says, going to the room door and opening it, running in and grabbing her, trying to pick her up, athena stirs in his arms, curling up.