With a greater number of limbs, the macro taurs had more to work with and alyssa's favourite move was the four arm ankle lock.
Colony, August 3rd 2011. 5:43 A.M.
Tony asked as he noticed the canine head and the four arms on the beast's sides. "i was once like you," colby said and tried not to look too frightening.
Morgan's Pokémon Adventure
Each of its four arms planted its fingers onto the ground as it twisted its own body upside down.
He imagined himself with four arms and a massive amount of strength. "heh..." it sounded simple, but he didn't need to transform himself into a crazy freak of nature, merely enough to better his life.
Zari's Tale ~ Part II: Found
"bluff--outside town--not far," the four-armed giant said. "what happened to the hyenas?" zari asked. velius responded with a snort of derision. "ran--cowards."
Not two, but four arms stretched out from their equine torso.
Dark Harvest (Final)
The part of the amalgam creature that was the four armed creature leaned into the moaning cum covered fox and licked her face with it's tentacle tongue.
Pokemon: QATM Chapter 7
Machamp braced himself, putting up his four arms and catching tanker by the head as they collided.
The Beginning of a Rising Empire [Prologue]
His fours arms once more readjusting to the cusions as his claws begin to dance on the command control kholographic keypads. the ship had just literally rammed straight through the last enemy vessel in the sector gutting it like a chek'rath.
Chapter 1: Capture
I was lead to a white van and roughly pushed to the side as tanya was gingerly helped inside, which would have been irritating if it weren't for the four armed furs, five if you counted the driver, all packed in the van around me.
Triple Threat
Before she made it into the hallway, minnigan raised a finger and stopped her, pulling her into a big four-armed hug. "and remember, when you're out there, you don't want to lose your head."
Our New Queen
Will closed his eyes and put those four arms on the floor as he felt a surge of pleasure rush through that ovipositor of his.