The Delivery Boy
Her legs were just as spectacular, long, built... the only word that came to the male's mind was 'juicy.'
Momma's Boy
The little roo boy shifts his weight in his warm mother's pouch to emphasize his point, much like a young teen stamping their foot.
Fox Boy
**fox boy** _acknowledgements: once again, like to thank foxohki and martinthewarrior for their help_. _so cheers friends!
Mama's Boy
My mom always called me a good boy. "now you just lay back and let mama handle everything." she crooned, and slid back up onto me.
Birthday Boy
; players: chester: 18 year old male bay colored american quarter horse (_equus ferus caballus_) 6'4" 175 lbs jacob: 54 year old male gray wolf (_canis lupus_) 5'10" 245 lbs randy: 32 year old male red fox (_vulpes vulpes_) 5'9" 170 lbs philip: 27 year
Delivery Boy
''good boy.'' seth said and patted him on the cheek. virus tried to ignore the pain in his arms as seth circled around behind him.
A boy and a Photographer.
The young fox boy said, wearing nothing but pink panties and a locket around his neck, and a shirt on. "ahaha, alright alright."
Cabin Boy
Cabin boy ahoy! ;d full title is sticky fingers part ii: cabin boy. :o (i guess that was obvious...) thumbnail background is from cgtextures.
Good Boy
#1 of good boy this is a bestiality story but the "owners" of the dogs are anthro animals etc so there's no humans in this, it's just the same kinda taboo. it's not really big, it'll be in five parts and that's all.
Pool Boy
"well then, i think you're going to be my new pool boy."
Boys and their Toys
He was a good boy, again, and now he was rewarded. he came. repeatedly. time passed. neither male cared about what had happened to them, what had pretty much finished happening to them.
Master's boy
Finally the wolf came inside the little fox boy. the wolf untied his slave and took him over to a couch where he told his slave he was a "good boy" and rubbed the fox's belly.