Fluffybutt Prose Poem: Fear
It is still stocked with enough popcorn, hotdogs, and lemonade to last for years. however, they share the carnival with ghosts of the homeless circus freaks that had searched for employment there.
My foxy Days: Friendship
We ended up deciding to not go and instead spent the evening at my place drinking lychee lemonade and moping about how indecisive we are.
Paws and Liars
Lawrence to make some lemonade." he didn't even have to ask because as the four sweaty furs entered their friend's house a pitcher of lemonade and vanessa greeted them with a big smile. "where are will and roger?" she asked curiously.
Cresselia’s Journey
Kanoa grinned and offered bob another lemonade. "his trainer, riza, sent him to me in exchange for the chance to add an arcanine to her pokedex." bob chugged his lemonade and grinned crookedly, shaking his head.
Buying the Farm - Commercial Rezoning
The lioness said as she reached over to a jug of laced pink lemonade and began to pour it into a glass. "would you care for a free glass of lemonade? my own secret recipe." "lemonade huh, that must be why you're drawing such a crowd."
Tuck's Probation(And How He Almost Got Fired)
Tuck nearly threw his truck off the road hearing that, and had to nearly spill over his lemonade getting it back to driving straight.
The Games He Plays-Day 3 Part 1
My eyes drifted up to look and nystra, who was taking a drink of lemonade, hoping for some inkling as to what was going on. the bunny did not even acknowledge me though.
The BolanderBooks 2016 Christmas Special
"a twelve pack of lemonade?" "you're always drinking that stuff," ozzie explained. "you carry them around those little glass bottles. i figured, why not make the next round on me?"
Special Assignments - Chapter Thirty Two
I realised i hadn't drunk much of my lemonade. i took a large gulp and winced as the fizzy liquid burnt down my throat. we both stood and gathered our bags. "have fun with leon," i said.
Here's to You Mrs.Robinson
"i'm upstairs john, i'll be down in a minute, there's some lemonade on the counter if you'd like!"
Pee Shy Chapter 3+3.5+3.55: Forest Chillin'
Sip, she confirmed it was, in fact, actual lemonade).
Chapter Nine
As a celebration we went downstairs and went over to the fridge, where avi pulled out a pitcher of lemonade and some cookies that his mom had made. we poured the lemonade into two cups and grabbed two cookies before we sat down at the table.