Maverick Hotel Part 27
As enemies surround the chicago's remaining resistance cell, adam prepares to help everyone survive the next hour of combat.
Maverick Hotel Part 29
After crashing the yacht into land, losing one of their own, and most of the remaining cell grievously injured, the chicago resistance cell prepares for the end...until their prayers are answered.
Maverick Hotel Part 19
resistance cells planned to contribute further once the battlefield came eastward, so having my dad--an experienced surgeon--join us would be spectacular on the long run.
Maverick Hotel Part 26
The upper deck, though smaller and more cramped due to the multiple shoulders and bodies standing around, maintained a façade of luxury no belonging to a resistance cell member.
Maverick Hotel Part 28
Mackinac Bridge stretched north to south as the yacht sped east, with other boats directly on our tail. Its looming shadow cast over us as I stepped out from below deck. The suspension bridge glowered down at us like a giant metallic archway. It...
Maverick Hotel Part 25
My head hurt. My limbs hurt. Nothing felt broken or sprained, yet the stiffness in my joints helped remind me I was very much alive. I blinked...
Maverick Hotel Part 15 (NSFW)
My head hurt. That was the first thought I formed after peeling back my eyelids and regretting them the next second later. Groaning at the aching spikes of post-alcohol delirium that...
Maverick Hotel Part 18 (NSFW)
Mexican resistance and western republic somehow managed to hold onto what remained of the baja california peninsula, for the moment.
The Item, For Sale
**_The Item, For Sale_** "Send in the next item!" The voice from the loudspeaker reverberated through the octagonal room. A figure, wearing a full body shroud, was pushed through the door onto the walkway leading to the center of the room. The...
Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 40: If You Are Going To Be A Bear Be A Grizzly (We Go Down Together Part VI)
The time that it took for the new resistance to discover that sir ram and mara had survived the klis attack was time lost. valuable time. was deployment of the mind control device back on schedule? if so, how soon?
Sergeant Aleksander’s Backstory by Alpha Wolfio
Š of the 22nd estavnian resistance battalion.
Sand Cake
Though, he didn't get as much resistance from the little fox as he was used to, this time. he just had to enjoy this to some degree, garret thought and smiled.