The Second Law - Part XX
"Pwah~..." Splaying across his brother's large bed, Elliot rested the cool bottle of water he'd just swigged over his forehead. "Sometimes I forget how nice it is to have a real bed. The couches in my office aren't the best for my back." "They're not...
The Secret - Part 24
She tried to claim her late period must have been a 'false alarm', and that her period had just been erratic lately. but the math didn't add up. it was six weeks since the first time we mated, when she claimed i had impregnated her.
The Destruction part 1
This continued on until mid summer, and she was late...period wise. vixen knew there was a possibility that she could be pregnant, but frankly she wasn't scared.
Corrupted Ambitions
From the research i've done, i've traced it back to some itlian jewelers in the high to late period of the middle ages. it shows up in books claiming to be some sort of anathema of her magic.