That Tell-Tale Heart, Guilt.
you cradle it in your hands like a lover's beating heart feel its gentle pulse as it tries to dig into your veins you can feel it / a little bit of corruption thriving beneath the surface of skin and flesh and matter you may deserve it / you may...
Wild Hunt
I felt my clothes shredding from my body as the monster emerged. Through the release of pent up emotions, I had no control. I was barely aware of my surroundings and what I was doing. I heard snarling; claws scrabbling against wood. I felt a heavy...
An Excerpt of The Wild Hunt
It was called the wild hunt and the back cover claimed it to be a marvel of steamy late victorian-era goodness. the main character was this cat fellow with gold eyes and stormy grey fur, very cliche for the time period.
Through A Glass Darkly - 3
There was nothing like morning when the two mares woke and began their journey once more. The sky was as dark as ever, the stars as bright and as strange as ever, and the road as black as ever, but it began to climb more often than it sank, and the...
Darkness Rising
He had always known to call the wild hunt was to be destroyed by it, no one could call it and not pay the price, but their price had been a brutal trick.
Keema's Adventure: Redemption
"that's bullshit, the wild hunt is a myth" said the voice of someone that seemed familiar.
The Oskorei
Now nude, the nameless pantheress advanced on gunnar's prone form, and once again adopting her formal tone, intoned, "as leader of the wild hunt, i claim first blood from our prey."
RH's Hircine
Some of those that don't worship her still like to watch for the wild hunt, considering it the greatest wonders of the world.
Richard and the Fae - Ch05
"it's the wild hunt!
A Price for Everything pt 5
"it's the wild hunt!
World of Chaos: Book Two: Chapter Seven
I moved around to get a better look at oddvar, the leader of the wild hunt.
Captain Danirus Hudson - Expedition One - Prologue -
He's come out into the wilds, hunting for a lost civilsation of tribal wolves, who once lived in the wild jungles, centuries ago.