We won!? We won?! (PMD:WNA 5)

We won!' confusion, turned to panic, 'we won!! what the hell happened?' celebi floated towards pat who didn't move, couldn't move. from where i sat i saw his knees shake, arms quiver, pupils quake. the firewood ditz started cracked.

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Love's Labour's Won

Yet no, we are beset to exist upon pages strange: i, written, as a love labour lost-- you, hidden away, as labour won.

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Venturing: Killer Won

Venturing: killer won "the... they deer got away?" "yes ling." zander responded, shifting his attention towards me as i made my appearance to the large floor in front of us. i frowned.

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A Behemothian Wake-Up Call [COM]

"won?" his jaw was partly agape. for once in his life, won couldn't think of anything smart-aleck-y to say to the massive bear. "you see it too, right?"

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A secret shared, a battle won

before i write this story I would just like to say one thing, it is my first I have ever written and there may be some hints towards homosexual (male/male) relationships even though there is no direct references (I've just been told it has). The reason...

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RockJaws: We Fucked the Law...and Won

Kelly bobbed her head to the techno beat bouncing off the walls. The rhino sipped her Blue Hawaii, letting the vodka sting down her throat while the sugars of the juice danced like all the furs on the dance floor. She watched with desire, surveying the...

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Chapter Two: Love's Labours Won

The old wooden door to the Manor slammed behind Bell as she walked out with several weighty sacks of clothes, magic supplies and anything that she could find in Juliet's room in tow. For one the last time she gazed at the eerie oak tree that once hung...

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I Think I Won This Round...

Clenched tightly around the loose skin of her neck, digging in, and marking her as his own and his hot spunk exploding forward into her tunnel and flooding her womb, john's human mind returns for only a flash and, john thinks to himself that he may have won

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Rising Anew Chapter 18, The Battle Won, the War begun.txt

#1 of rising anew rising anew chapter 18 the battle won, the war begun "plink.... plink.... plink...." the sound of water dripping filled the room as its inhabitant slowly awoke.

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Of Dogs and Young Men Part 20

I was beginning to understand why he won so much. he just exuded professionalism. he won best of breed with the pointer also.

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