Not So Shy
Shy, a hyena with a unique shifting ability, gets the drop on the polecat when he searches for the escapee. and per a friendly agreement, takes russet up on his offer to take advantage of the polecat once he's subdued.
The Lion and the Thief
The polecat's climax ended as quickly as the whole session started, leaving the smaller mustelid pleasantly exhausted.
Fog of War. Chapter Three.
The polecat's analytical mind was at work once more. arn grunted, looking at the polecat as if he had lost his mind. "it's dung." "excuse me." duran said looking up at him. "some of the northern crawlers."
Fog of War. Chapter Four.
The polecat scratched his chin thinking that over. "we are not so isolated as you may think." bernard looked up at him with his good eye. studying the polecat who had gone silent now, thinking everything over.
Jayda Ripley in Protein Shake
The polecat gurgled a response, cut short by another yowl as jayda's flexible tail coiled and uncoiled around the polecat's sensitive, newly enlarged maleness.
From Silver to Rags
That seemed to trigger some pent up lust in the wolf, and as a shiver ran down his spine he pushed the polecat into the damp grass. his sheath was giving way to his growing member, which rubbed lazily against the polecat's rear.
The Joy in working out.
What stood before the polecat, had to be the biggest vixen he has ever seen, standing at a towering nine foot height joy turns to look down at the polecat with a soft smile that seems weird on her large frame.
Secrets at Midnight (OLD)
The polecat grunted, still doing so from behind his teeth.
American Mustelid Alpha - Episode 9, "Bring Me To The End, Dude" - Part 2
~andrew, 22, european polecat, roadie the polecat steps up from the couch, looking at eddie and kenneth argue once again.
A thick, pent-up load filled the polecat's virgin passage; it made the polecat arch, and then he moaned deeply in gratification.
The polecat-girl swallowed the last bite of her food, and got up to take her plate to the sink, expression softening to the melancholic.
Fog of War. Chapter Two.
The polecat scrambled back up onto his feet and jumped up onto the bed, throwing a fur blanket over himself and turned towards the door just in time for arn to return. the wolf was wide eyed, silent and didn't look at the polecat.