Final Nights : Issue 1

It is not just a dark age by name, for the sun has been banished to beyond a roiling sea of angry, sullen clouds.

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The Princess' Heat - Part 2

After a centuries-long 'dark age' during which the use of aethyr as an energy to manipulate matter had been strictly prohibited, progress was finally being made anew.

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Night Walk

The part where the path sloped downwards, between the marshland below and the backyards, whose retaining walls towered above the path, the wooden fences lining the top like the palisade walls of a fortress from the dark ages, obscuring the houses beyond completely

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A Treatsie on Aether and Magic

It has been therorized that most if not all the texts that referenced ardonia's existence were lost upon the fall of the roman empire and europe's subsequent plunging into the dark ages.  


Bound by Destiny 24½

Sasha smiles as she reads, "but even with the noble soul that fell during the dark age and the regret i felt, she saw something in my brother that i must have missed.

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Bound by Destiny 24½

Sasha smiles as she reads, "but even with the noble soul that fell during the dark age and the regret i felt, she saw something in my brother that i must have missed.

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Bloody Roar: Animality

Thin but not scrawny, tan but not dark, aged like ripe berries yet still retaining his youth and vigor his beta was perfect to be at his back and side when he needed another to stand with him.

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One Wrong Turn-V

You are all stuck in the dark ages here and probably don't even have proper gun powder!" as soon as he had finished, he clamped his hand over his mouth and winced..

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3:24 When the Hammer Falls

In all our advancements, in all our claims to be more civilized than how we were in the dark ages, what proof of this progress did society have? the only thing we'd perfected was war. war. his war. he was at war. the invisible war.

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Caves Hold Treasure, Chapter 4

They're a part of the heroics, legends and myths of the dark ages! this is a really long shot, rich! it's been funny, but now it's over." you gain power in your voice, almost shouting at the end. he has to be lying. this is impossible.

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The Arrival (Part 2)

_holy shit, it's like the freakin' dark ages!_ he thought to himself. so now was he supposed to go? looking back through the carriage behind him he saw the conscripts gaining ground. there was nowhere to go... 'cept maybe up.

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Found Forgotten, 1: Prologue

It was the return of the dark ages. a feudal period filled with a strange mingling of magic and guns with looters and seekers-out of secret buried places.

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