A New World: Chapter 3

I was the only one born after their inception with the ability to freely change my gender at will. as i grew older my heart filled with pride and power at the fact that i would rise above my family and friends to be with the elders.

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The First Penitatas - The House of Penitence

"this office has been a farce since its inception! if i am to be stationed here, i am going to see that change!" "where's sam?" skal asked, only to be ignored by the growing row. "hey! haal! you're supposed to be looking after sam, so where is she?"

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A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:26

The reign of the blackwool-bellwethers continued up until the early 1900s despite the other branch of their family in zootopia allowing the district to be subject to a democratic vote since its inception.

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Kindred Spirits, Crossing the Line

"since its inception, this program has been pushing the boundaries of the most advanced sciences. there were bound to be failures along the way. there is no way i can be held responsible for..."

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The Pacification Center... chap 2

Outside, lance was grinning as he watched the inception programming dipping deeper and deeper, more and more thoroughly. "you lovveeee working here." lance lisped into toby's furry, canine ear softly, while the sexy dobie lay there moaning weakly.

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Having Fun With Yourself

He had altered #01's dna during its inception to have the sadistic urges of a serial killer. this fucking frog could very well kill him! "no, you can't do this!" hank cried out. "my papa owns the research facility who created you...

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Leviathan Chapter Ten: The Splashers

The risk of rebellion right now seemed remote, as little sister had been vindicated time and again, even since her inception. 'i... trust you to keep control of it, little sister.' said the head slowly.

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Insurrection - Chapter One

The flames had never been silenced since the inception of their organization. it was the most ill of omens; a warning of only the most dire days to come. the fear around the table was strong. fear bred rashness.

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Celebratory Festivities

Kokuo heard tatu experience his inceptive sex life while savoring a feminine fox taking all ten inches of his shaft down her throat. the tight passage was redolent of a muliebria and was sufficient to make him ejaculate.

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Ch. 2: It's Kill or Be Killed 22

._ _"i've been with the cabal and by extension you two since my inception at blackwater. i was made for one singular purpose and that was to increase your survivability by critical and unprejudiced tactical analysis.

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[QC-29] Master Pet Theater

He had been granted raise, found a jade tab worth millions in the street which he was able to sell legally and tax free, his place of employment had experienced its lowest rate of drunken fights since its inception, and he had been quite lucky finding blokes

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