The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VII Chapter 28

They ascended the same staircase after all and passed through the same magically sealed door. and yet this place was intact.

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The Guardians of Equestria – Chapter 1 – Awkward Moments, Questions, and Conversations

The moment the container is slightly sealed, the block will turn on, and magically seal the inside with a bubble of magic that keeps things chilled, and will see to it that the things in it stay fresh for as long as the block is good...

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The Forbidden Schools

"if you don't want your magic sealed, stick to the story, and follow my lead. do not talk unless you are addressed. got it, pup?" crisp nodded again, noticing how the otter's slightly wet nose and whiskers tickled against his his sensitive grey ears.

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Bors: A Warmaster Jack Novella part Nine

"they are magically sealed," said darz. "without knowing a passphrase, they should not open." she fixed me with a puzzled stare, and handed the book back to me. "try opening it now." i opened one buckle, and she simply looked more surprised.

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Curiosity Enslaved the Wolf

Some kind of magic seal? before the wolf could ponder further over the meaning of that, the cabinet's glass door slid open and the potion's smell hit him in full force. the wolf felt an unwilling smile creep up upon his muzzle.

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Platinum Light

The magic sealing the fortress' exits was so great not even the seven golden wyrms appointed by the platinum dragon himself could break free.

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Children of the Earth and Sky 11 - The Monster Within

"uhh magic seal?" he deferred to fayne. "babe, do the honours." "of courszhe deareszht."

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In Another Life Pt. 5

"when a prince is sworn in, certain knowledges are ritually imparted and magically sealed. he knows, but to communicate the secret is impossible without someone first breaking the spell that binds his tongue." "how would someone do that?" liolyn asked.

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The Dragon's Paladin- Chapter 16: Treasure of the Aegis

Veledar shifted slightly as the healing magic sealed his wounds. "that's better," the dragon said with relief in his voice. "thank you, squire." "with pleasure, my lord," arcturus bowed with a smile on his face.

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Enochian: Book 3, Chapter 9

However, they had been expected: even as they portalled into position, they had been bound and their magic sealed for a few moments by mages... but sabnock and several of the other skilled magicians had broken the binding with the help of the mortal technology

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The Valley of Wonder

All i know is what i heard before coming here - that it is magically sealed, and filled with strange creatures." minos shrugged. "strange creatures, huh?

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