
Giving his head a slight scratch eric wondered if the other was bipolar, especially with the way milo kept humming and turning in his direction to smile at him with uber cheerfulness.

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Letter to a Mailmare: Part One: Note to Postmaster

I already had to correct a basketful of formatting errors to make it readable, so you're just going to have to deal with the bipolar formatting, some of it's tabbed, other parts are double spaced.

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The Royal We (2 of 2)

Rather than dwell on it or call her out on what he saw as somewhat bipolar nature, he shrugged his wings and smiled. "well there's not really a lot to tell, really. well, not a lot i can tell or should tell. i'm ceylon, gryphon of saff'rald.

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Khajiit games: part 1 (fixed, extended version)

#2 of khajiit games fucking bipolar ys won't let me delete the original. :\ tales of oblivion, khajiit games: part 1 it was midnight in leyawiin, the looming silhouette of the cathedral dark and imposing against the backdrop of the skyline, stars

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Chronomancer Chronicles: The Burning Rebellion 6.0

"it's like listening to a choir made completely out of the bipolar," harm muttered, leaning against the railings. from the very top of the clock tower, he peered off into the distance at the constant dark smudge not far into the south.

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Chapter 13

Here he was, thrown into situational bipolarity; fits of insane rage, and fits of insane calmness. despite everything that happened, every time he was either too trusting or too nice, he wound up in situations like this.

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Midline Shift 38 - Amongst the Geth

"sounds like bipolar disorder." "nah nah not like that, this is intentional, like someone rewiring your brain to cause different emotions in people.

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The Wasted Youth, Chapter 1 - Penance and Reflection

My dad once told me that greg has something called "bipolar disorder." i just call him a fucking psycho. i don't need science to explain it for me.

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Fuck... she must have been bipolar or something." he kicked at the empty rind on the ground, some of it smooshing into the dirt. "now she's wanting to make things 'work again.'"

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Three is the best number

Despite everything, and the borderline psychopathic bipolar nature of her 'mate', she was still shy around the rest of them.

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Drifter's Diary

For my ride. it hit me all of a sudden, bam, the whole thing. and in that moment, i leapt out of my body and became a god. lord, that's what it felt like. i suddenly knew how to express everything that was going on with me. now i know that's because i'm bipolar

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It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Suddenly doubt turned on me like a bitchy, bipolar alligator. what if's ran through my mind like cheetahs: what if it was a mistake? what if you're wrong? what if you didn't actually see that? what if...?

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