You Are Mine

A pagan couple i met said it was likely loki who wanted to be acknowledged. they suggested i pour out a little wine for him and he'd leave me alone.

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Lady of the House-Edmund and Melinda 2

Lord edmund's lands were set upon by raiders from the north, pagan otter raiders who were renowned for pillaging and plundering the coast line.

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Late One Night

pagan can we?" amenidel stroked his paw over the marks and they were replaced with white fur to match the rest of tristan's pelt.

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Stolen Passion (Stolen Heart Chapter 2)

"people said that the cult for epona, the mare goddess among the pagans and roman cavalry, was spiritually ineffective." i smile. that certainly shut her up! "hmmm. true. it's different on the other hoof to bring up such things.

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Moonlights Tears

\* they were both pagan's, and had worked a powerful enchantment one spring night, that had bound their two souls together.

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Chapter 9

It's a pagan belief long forgotten, but still believed to survive with the werewolves." "is that how you suggest?"

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Toeing the Line, Draft 1, CH 20

That's why i was into paganism, and why i left." i nodded. most of her fight with dad had been because he saw he beliefs as being devil worship.

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The Elven Captain's Desires Part 1

"spirits," he said, mockingly, "what sort of pagan madness is this? it's a matter of official importance to know an enemy's motivation." "lendin," merlyn said, "the orcs are our guests, our peoples have been at peace for centuries."

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Fear to Tread

They had shared their devotion to greco-roman paganism together. they had worshipped mars, the god of war. to them, this had meant not only actual warfare and one-on-one combat.

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Through the Cracks - And Lay Ghost Hands on Everything

This one of the ones where that "my own blend of neo-paganism" from my profile bio comes in. it's not hard to spot.

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La Ceremonia De La Carne

Yo solo respondí que pronto llegará su turno; "los pecados del pasado se pagan tarde o temprano. no pueden huir del dolor ni del pasado, porque te perseguirán por el resto de sus vidas. su hijo los está observando, es tiempo de rendir cuentas".

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