Buxy the Bunny Part 2: Chapter 2: A Collision of Realms
Buxy walked in the mall, on her way to 'The Thrifty Rabbit' store. She intended to purchase a used cell phone and maybe a new outfit for herself for her date. After that, she had to meet her niece at 'The Bunnyhop Nightclub' later on that night. ...
A New Rival part 1
After yesterdays duel in the school yard Terrence was expelled at last for his bullying and things went back to normal in the school, minus Gen being the new popular kid around the school and every recess kids from freshmen to seniors challenged him to...
- - - "You're gonna love it here, D'Arcie," Marco assured as they treaded through the leaf-bedded crosswalk. "It's not the biggest city in the country, but we have some awesome parks here that my parents would always take me to. Hey- maybe you and...
A Healthy Rivalry
Marcus walked down hall heading for the exit. As the sliding automatic doors opened, Jonathan stepped out from the side and joined him, resting his large arm on his fellow doctor's head. "Ok, brother." Jonathan started, "First threesome, Ménage à...
Naked Rivalry
Not surprisingly, he had his friends among them; it wasn't uncommon that the club's talent gathered in cliques, occasionally for friendly rivalries, sometimes to blow off steam, other times just for camaraderie - lion's share of them were ex-army, after all
Sibling Rivalry
M feral mightyena x poochyena; oral, muzzlefuck, incest for nicobay; by brn.quil - started january 2012 finished feb 28th 2012 picture above drawn by **charmonic** sibling rivalry * * * * * * at this time of the year, the sun always
Rivalry for Affection
rivalry for affection by havoc "to be number one you must train like you are number two. because if you train like number one, you have no place to go."
Sibling Rivalry
Sibling rivalry by sinasa lyre it was finally summer. long days in winter coats where over. in with shorts and tight tee shirts. not that it really bothered the kitterjackal.
Sibling Rivalry
"You're mine now, you small-dicked little fuck," Jake growled angrily, closing the distance between himself and his cowering brother in almost the blink of an eye. The stronger jackal grabbed his sibling by the scruff of his neck, slamming him back...
Sibling Rivalry
The trees were rustling past her as she ran. Kara did not know who had followed her off the trail but knew it could not be for good reasons and took to a run without glancing behind her. She could feel the trees whipping at her flesh. Occassionally...
Rivalries and Romances
This was the job to see who won their bitter rivalry.
A Deep Rivalry
A deep rivalry leanna, you've kept me waiting entirely too long. that match was only supposed to be 15 minutes but we're going on 25 and the bell still hasn't rung. do your damn job and pin the bastar...oh, wait? okay, there's the bell, three dings.