Black Magic - Chapter Twelve: Badlands Drifters

We were in no shape to continue this grueling, grinding death-march, but what choice did we have?

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The Chronicles of Vaahn - Back To Normal

With all eyes upon her she began her death march to the front of the class. jackie licked her bone-dry lips nervously, looking down at the pad in her hands. the screen was woefully lacking in content; she hadn't even written a proper introduction.

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By this time, goliath had reignited his engines and restarted his death march towards the enemy landship, which was now in full retreat.

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The Admirals Pets Ch 1

Razak, curious as to who was delaying what he was already deeming his death march, looked as well, and was shocked to see not only a fox, but also one in complete military uniform. including the rank of admiral.

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Bubbly Bondage

The quiet **_clip-clop_** of ramon's hooves became the sound of a death march, as the goat drew closer to his hanging captives. "oh thieving types never were the smartest bunch, in my experience.

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All Kinds of Caring Needed

When he got there he turned to see the huge beast slowly plod up the stairs with his head held down like a death march before he disappeared into the other floor.

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Chapter 1: A History Revealed

The metal boots tapped out a steady death march as he approached. "this will be the last i see of sun." "mr. drake." the warden said, as he unlocked his cell. "it's time."

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I don't think i really believed anything had happened to gill at that time - through the monotonous torture of our death-march north i had come to see gill as something beyond human.

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That night as the corps of dead marched from the ruined village miekal was handed off to the old badger simon for training. simon was all too happy to put the lad to work. there was always work that needed doing in the master's haunt filled keep.

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Fierce 1. Self Discoveries

We both chuckled, and i walked the slow death march to my first period.      i'm assuming you don't want to read about my school day, and obviously, i don't want to write about it.

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